And then there's Chunky

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"Your'am, we're so sorry. When we got there, he was already dead. It appears he died in the effect of natural causes."

"This can't be happening to me..."

It wasn't happening to her she isn't fucking dead jesus.

Anyways what's happening.


Y/N's mother sobbed at the door way to her house. She started to grieve the loss of her horrible child.

Y/N said nothing about the matter, but acted as if she was sorrowful for her mother.

Zote walked down stairs, he hadn't gone out that day yet.

"What is the matter?" he asked, rather concerned.

"Zote...your father. He's dead." Y/N looked down towards him, her expression unmoving and unnerved.

"What?" That couldn't have actually happened, right? There's no way that his father, who has just been here yesterday to scold him, had been dead the very next day.

There's nothing else to add. There is no question or answer, but a hard truth.

He had nothing to say, either. For some reason there's a sense of inner pain, however also a sense of relief. He was always one to speak against his father, and openly despise him.

In the event that he's actually dead though? How is he to feel good for his death?

"Zote, I want to make one thing clear." Y/N glared at him. "Nothing happened last night. When you came home, you went straight to bed."

"Whatever do you mean?" He seemed puzzled.

"I find out you told someone otherwise, it won't be pretty. Do I make myself clear?"

There's a sense of dread hanging over him again. What did she do after last night? He feels he already knows, but isn't willing to accept it.

"Where is your dad anyways? Shouldn't he be here at home too?" Asked Damien.

He had been staying over for the weekend at Damion's house. Though it honestly hasn't been great for him. It wasn't Damion's fault of course, it had been something else.

"Huh? You mean Sans? Ah you know, he's always sobbing in front of the school on Sundays."

"Eh? How long has he been grieving."

"Let's see...uh. Kokichi died like 3 months ago and then Nagito died about 2 weeks later so...2 months and a little more maybe?"

"Aw. You know, maybe we should try helping him, you know." Said Damien.

"Ah, I'm not sure about that."

"W-Why not?"

"Hey Damien!" He tried to change the subject. "You've been like, super bummed out recently. What's with that?"

"H-Hey!" Damien cried. "I was gonna get to that eventually but then you conveniently brought it up!"

"Well of course I did, I'mmmmmm uhhhhhh anyways what's up dude."

"W-Well..." He said. "Last night I uh, had a weird dream."

"Huh? Do you remember it?" Damion asked.

"A little? I remember looking down to see a reflection of me. He looked exactly like me but...not like me at all."

"Huh? What the fuck does that mean?" Damion said, confused.

"His face...was the same yet so different. It felt as if he looked at me with sinister intent." Damien muttered.

"Woah ok big boy language I see I see" Damion commented.

"It was just...really weird."

"Well, it's just a dream. You shouldn't get so worked up on it."

"Sometimes I wish I could be as careless as you Damion."

Surprisingly, Damion was oddly quiet after hearing him say that.

What the fuck is up with that homey?????

sans stood in front of the school. he softly sang that beautiful song he once sang with his beloved.

"fingers in his his...ass..."

kanye west he likes
fingers in his ass

suddenly, sans heard someone walking nearby. for some bullshit reason he can feel their presence or something i don't fucking know. it felt somewhat familiar yet unknown.

suddenly asgore's theme was also playing. sans wasn't playing it though he didn't have his phone out. he wondered who it was. he turned around to see who was there.

"nagi- oh wait oh fuck who is you dude why you got my husband's jacket on?"

"i'm his son." said the dude who was playing asgore's theme.

"oh shit really??? like the son of nagito komaeda the ultimate bullshit and ed sheeran??"

"yeah man." said yura.

"dude that's crazy small world or something huh."

"how are you crying???"

"monster magic"


"yea" said sans

"what was it like with you and nagito anyways man."

"dude that dude was a twink and also my boyfriend and he was amazing and great and bad and i miss him"

"i miss him too"

"dude crazy"

"mind if I cry too"

"no don't cry or shit your pants."

"damn ok"

"I am jesting."


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