30# Marauder Antics

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This is an idea I thought about while writing another one-shot.

Summary: Sirius goes to see Remus in the infirmary and James and Peter joke about him seeing Remus.

Third person pov…

“off to see Remus are you Pads” asked James as he watched Sirius try to walk out of their dorm room quietly.

He smirked when he saw Sirius freeze in the corner of his eye, without turning Sirius answered.

“N-Nooooooo why would you think that Prongs” he said nervously cursing himself for stuttering.

from the bed next to James Peter laughed quietly as he watched them.

“well because 1) Remus isn’t here, 2) Remus isn’t here or 3) Remus isn’t here” said James Counting on his fingers while trying to cover up his laughter.

Instead of answering Sirius just blushed and stormed out of the dorm leaving his laughing dorm mates behind.

as he walked down the stairs, he just about heard James’ voice shouting something.

“MAKE SURE TO USE PROTECTION BLACK” yelled James from the fifth-year dorm.

Sirius heard him yell, everyone in the common room turned at the shout, Sirius’ blush darkened.

He then yelled back.

“STUFF IT POTTER” he shouted making a few Gryffindors flinch at the loud sound, his shout made his mother’s shouting look weak.

As an answer only James and Peters laughter could be heard throughout the silent common room.

Grunting Sirius sprinted from the common room and too the infirmary before Lily started yelling at them for making to much noise.

The end.

Hi guys so sorry for the wait here’s a short one-shot for Wolfstar so sorry for it not being too long.

Word count; 300

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