#2 4 Times

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Thanks to @Zmistic-G for requesting this one



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Time 1 location: Gryffindor Common room

Remus pov




"Hey moony yoooowhoooo hello"


"WHAT PADFOOT" I yelled, looking up from my book annoyed with the person calling my name over and over again.

I then saw him pout in the corner of my eye as I went back to my book.

"moony I'm bored" he whined

"then do something" i sated

I then heard shuffling and felt lips on my neck, making me freeze, "moony" it was sirius, he was getting annoyed I could tell.

"moony" he said kissing my jaw and moving up to my face.

"hmm" I said still not looking up from my book, speaking of my book which was now practically ripped out of my hands.

I looked up, and lips crashed on to mine, making me moan with pleasure, before I knew it I had a lap full of padfoot.

We then started to updo our shirts before

"AHHHH MY EYES MY POOR EYES DON'T GO IN WORMY" yelled the voice of Prongs.

"JAMES YOU COCKBLOCK" Yelled sirius as I blushed crimson.

Time 2  location: Library

Sirius pov

"i wonder where moony is" i said quietly to myself as I looked for my boyfriend.

I've been looking for him for ages, looked everywhere the common room, the great hall, our dormitory

I can't thin- THE LIBRARY OF COURSE I'm such an idiot I thought as i raced to the library.

Time skip...

I walked through the doors looking for a sandy haired tall  Gryffindor-

"there you are moony" i yelled and ran over as I spotted the Gryffindor, he was leaning against the bookshelves reading a book.

Looks like he didn't hear me *Smirk* I have an idea, I then quietly tiptoed over to him, he still hadn't looked up.

Score I thought as i leaned up and kissed his soft cheek, before I knew it


My body was pinned against the bookshelf by remus, I felt myself smirk before looking up into his eyes they where Amber his wolf was out for a brief second.

"you OK there moons" I said my smirk widening as I saw realisation in his eyes.

He then quickly let go blushing madly.

"sorry pads I did tbat on reflex" he said, not looking at me. I then smirked proudly before beginning to walk of my hand was then grabbed and I was pulled back into a solid chest

"hold your horses pads, you dont think you could get away with that" he said Amber returning.

I then lost my smirk, as remus leaned in close, before our lips could touch.

"AGAIN COME ON GUYS!!!!" yes you guessed it

"JAMES COME ON AGAIN YOU COCKBLOCK" me and remus both yelled.

Time 3 remus's House during the holidays

Sirius pov

ahh the holidays finally, the time where its jsut me, remus and his parents know James and Peter to inturrupt us.

Me and remus where just lounging round the living room me lying on top of his chest on my phone as he was onece again reading a muggle book called the 'Hobbit'.

I then got bored of my phone and decided to annoy remus, I started to poke his book a few times it did nothing.

I then moved to poking and prodding his cheek.



*pok-slam! *

I felt myself be turned and pinned with an angry remus above me,

"hehe" I said, hoping he won't be to angry with me, he then started to prod me this time making me laugh alot.

He didn't stop for a few minutes, when he did we both realised how close our faces where.

We started to lean close, our lips jsut touched before a loud girlish scream was heard from the fireplace someone jsut used the floo

"oh for fucks sake you guys again" this time lily was with James and Peter

"oh come on James again you CockBlock" we groaned

Time 4 location: Gryffindor dormitory

Remus pov

"come on sirius you have to clean as well" i said as I hit padfoot with a pillow, pretty much we were meant to be cleaning our dormitory since it was a mess.

james and Peter both got detention by slughorn for blowing up a coldran in potions and so how sirius didn't get one either.

I was the one doing most of the cleaning whole sirius just sat on his bed pouting like a child.

I then sighed, and felt a pillow slam into the back of my head,i then grinned brightly before jumping onto my bed which was opposite his, grabbed my pillow and yelled

"Oh its on Paddy my boy"

And then a full out war started, we were both hitting each other with pillows, clothes and orther stuff

Few hours later...

"that was fun" I said as me and padfoot, fell to the floor exhausted from the war we jsit had

"only if deafting Old mouldy shorts would be that easy" padfoot said as we laughed

He then stood up and said "well we better start cleaning again" and put a hand out for me to grab onto, as i pulled myself up I guess I forgot about my werewolf strength and pulled sirius back down on top of me.

Third person pov

Grey eyes stared into light brown eyes with a tinge of Amber in them, they were lost in their oen world when the dorm doors open.

James and Peter took one step in, turned back around with their hands up yelling

"Again come on"

"COCKBLOCK AGAIN JAMIE" was yelled back at him.


I hoped you like this one I'm not good a SMUT so I tried and I really liked writing this one I hoped that you liked it as well

Word count : 980

Published 10th April 2020

Updated 11th May 2020

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