51# Time Travel

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Summary : Sirius finds a Time Turner in the library at Grimmuld place...


Third person pov...

"Hey moons" yelled Sirius from across the library. Remus sighed but looked at his boyfriend, "Yes Pads" asked Remus

As the Werewolf looked he saw Sirius holding something in his hand.

Remus and Sirius where spending the weekend together at Grimmuld place as Sirius' Parents where attending a party out of the country.

"look what I found" Grinned Sirius walking over to Remus, as he did he tripped over a book on the floor.

What he was holding flew from his hand and onto the floor smashing.

Remus and Sirius where then whisked away by the gold dust around them.

It was finally the summer holidays for Harry Potter and Dumbledore was allowing him to stay with Sirius and his friends at 12 Grimmuld place.

He was very happy about it.

As they were getting ready to eat the weasleys and Sirius heard a thump sounding from the floor up, Remus and Sirius looked at each other.

"Library" the said together and were of upstairs with Harry and the weasleys trailing behind the confused.

As they neared the door voices could be heard from inside it.

"what happened now"

"don't look at me I tripped!"

"Tripped! Tripped on what?"

"the Book you left lying in the floor"

"Well sorry. I thought you would se wit and walked over it!"

"arw you Sirius! I thought you were the smart one"

"News flash I am the smart one! Also I thought you were Sirius"

As their conversation continued the Order opened the door to a confusing sight they saw two teenagers around 15.

One had shaggy long black hair with grey eyes while the other one had sandy blonde hair, brown eyes with a hint of Hazel in, with scars on his face.

They where both wearing gryffindor ties.

"Bloody Hell" came Ron's voice making the boys conversation end quickly, they looked at each other then at Sirius and Remus then back at each other.

"Merlins Balls!" exclaimed the black haired one "um hi" said the other one much quieter.

"Hey moony it's us" exclaimed both Sirius' making both Remus' face palm.

"if you really are us, what did James catch us doing in Minnie's classroom" yelled younger Sirius this made the order look at the two men in question.

"He caught us snogging on his desk in Minnies classroom" yelled younger older Sirius just as casually this made Both Remus blush bright red.

"you did what!" asked the twins with grins on their faces "yeah poor Prongs never did recover from that" mused Sirius laughing.

"how about we move into the kitchen more room there" said Mrs weasley, everyone agreed, soon they were sat at the table.

"okay so knowone gets confused the younger ones will be called Padfoot and Moony" said Sirius.

"um I have a question" asked Moony, he blushed as eveyone looked at him "sure, ask away" said Remus

"I was wondering who i am Married too because older me is wearing a ring" he said this made everyone look at Remus to covered the ring on his hand.

"yes I am married" he said

"too who" asked Harry wanting to know

"to me of course!" Yelled Sirius showing on his matching ring, everyone's Jaws drop

It was silent for a few minutes before the kids spoke.

"what!" ~ Ron

"oh my god really" ~ Ginny

"I knew it hand it over George" ~ Fred

"on come on Freddy" ~ George

"I thought you two were already" ~ Hermione

"dammit now I owe Malfoy a date" said Harry seeming way to happy about it.

The end!

Hope you liked it so sorry for the wait!

Word count : 621

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