#9 Potions(Amortentia)

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This is a Headcannon that I saw on Amino so I decided to write it

Summary : the marauders brew Amortentia in potions and remus's has the distinct smell of Wet dog...


Third person pov

It was a normal potion lesson for the marauders, professor slugghorn is going on about something

While sirius and James fall asleep and leaning on each other on their desk, remus is trying to concentrate and get notes and Peter is laughing quietly at james and sirius.

"OK class today we will be making a potion called 'Amortentia' now can anyone tell me what that is" asked professor slugghorn

Lily evans hand shot up before anyone else's could, "ahh yes miss Evans" said professor slugghorn.

Sirius and james where still sleeping and were now snoring openly, but professor slugghorn hadn't noticed or he had but didn't care.

Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It is distinctive for its mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rises from the potion in spirals. Amortentia smells different to each person, according to what attracts them.

Description. Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in existence" lily's voice echoed through out the class

Professor slugghorn smiled at her answer, "very good miss Evans 10 points to Gryffindor for your Informated answer" he said

"now them open your books to page 394 and start brewing" he said and everyone scurried around the room to get the ingredients.

Remus pov

I stood up along with everyone else, and moved to get my ingredients but I saw that prongs and padfoot where still asleep so I walked behind them and shook their shoulders violently.

James awoke but sirius as usual was stubborn as hell and didn't wake up.i sighed and yelled in padfoots ear


My voice echoed through out the room, it was silent and everyone turned to me and I felt myself blush bright red

I heard someone laugh it was padfoot he was awake and laughed like crazy, I then realised something

"you bloody prat, you were awake the entire time!!" I yelled at him, sirius then got up and ran around the room with me chasing him.

Time skip...

Third person pov

After the whole remus chasing sirius ordeal calmed down, everyone managed to make Amortentia the ones who didn't where Peter and sirius since Peter didn't understand

Sirius was to busy looking at remus wo make it so they both got detention.

"now class everyone is done and made their Amortentia" everyone nodded

"now then who should demonstrate, how about you Mr lupin tell everyone what you smell" said professor slugghorn and he walked over to remus's couldran.

Remus then became nervous and was blushing after he smelt his Amortentia.

Remus pov

I smelt my potion, and I smelt wet dog and the distinct smell of chocolate with coffee it smelled just like.


"ahem what was that mister lupin" asked professor slugghorn

"I-U-ummm it-I I. Smell wet dog and chocolate with a smidge of coffee" i muttered blushing and hoping that sirius doesn't hear.

But if course he heard and I could tell that he was smirking the black Smirk that every black family member has.

I turned around and saw that he was looking right at me.

"oh good god" I moaned go myself and slumped in my chair putting my textbook over my head and face hiding from sirius's gaze.

Sirius pov

'wet dog, chocolate and coffee I usually smell of those things that means'

"remus loves me" I said, loudly might I add and everyone even remus turned towards me.

I then chuckled and stood up walked over to the front of the classroom and said

"Remus moony John Lupin, will you go on a date with me this weekend to Hogsmeade"

"yes! Yes. I will sirius" remus yelled.

He then ran over to me and kissed me I kisses shim back,and class resumed as if this never happened.

Me and remus had our date and started dating the next week.

The end
. Hoped yku like it sorry for the long wait I was trying to think how to start it.

Also sorry for it being short

Word count : 710

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