#15 Misunderstanding

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Summary : remus and James are arguing over something stupid but when he says 'are you fucking sirius' the common room thinks of something different

Hope you like it

Just so you know sirius and remus are already dating just secretly


Third person pov

It had been a quiet morning for Gryffindor House, James potter and sirius black got detention as usual because they where apparently

Attacking each other and yelling out War cries in the hallway and professor Mcgonagall saw the whole thing.

She gave Sirius and James both a week dention but everyone could tell that she was trying hard not to smile.

Time skip a few hours ahead...

Remus lupin pov

It been a few hours since Prongs and Padfoot got that week dention me and Wormtail are still laughing at what happened.

But for some reason James is pissed of with me, so at the minute we are arguing over why he and sirius started shouting war cries

"but siriusly why James!" I yelled exasperated at him he's so stubborn.

I look around and the whole common room is staring at us like we're mad,i looked over too see that

Peter was sitting comfortably in one of the plush red chairs and sirius is standing on the side leaning against the wall looked emused.

"are you really asking me that Rem" he said

"yes but siriusly you could of gotten hurt or worse expelled(sorry I had to 😂)" I grumbled James has never been this stubborn before.

But I am starting to loose my temper and the full moon is only a few days away.

I could tell he was even more angry now, his face has turned a bright red and his hands were balled into fists.


It was silent I saw that Peter had fell of his chair and Padfoot was looking shocked.

"umm yes" I said unsure, then everyone gasped and started screaming things like

"what are you two dating?"

"are you actually remus?"

"about time to"

Sirius then walked over to me trying really hard not to laugh, as he got closer he put an arm round my shoulders and whispered.

"maybe you should think about what Prongs here just said rem" he said laughing

At my bemused face, I the. Thought it over Fucking siri-

"oh" I said and a realised what I just comfermed.

"oh Merlin" I moaned kneeled down on the floor and put my head in my palms I could feel my face burning Crimson red.

Sirius was still laughing as was James Padfoot sighed and kissed me on the cheek and walked away to our dormitory.

James then bounded over to me" so are you fucking sirius? " he asked innocently

I then looked up at him and glared before launching at him and tackling him to the ground and began tickling him mercifully.

The end

I hoped you have liked this one sorry if it doesn't make sense I tried to explain what happened but anyway thank for the reads greatly appreciated

Don't forget to comment any feed back or any oneshot suggestions please!


Word count : 530

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