98# French

955 22 4

98# French 

Summary: James casts a language charm on Sirius making the dog only able to speak French for a day. 

Third person pov… 

It was midnight when James Potter decided to cast a charm on Sirius, he was annoyed that the dog still hadn’t confessed his feelings to Remus. So he pranked him it was a harmless language charm.

“Hope you like my surprise Paddy” said James as he crawled back into his bed. 

Next morning… 

The 3 sleeping boys were woken up to Sirius yelling and running around but instead of English it was French he was screaming.

“les gars les gars se réveillent! (1)” he yelled as Remus jumped out of bed, he then held Sirius’ hand stopping the boy from running around.  

“Sirius stop!” he exclaimed making Sirius freeze and blush when he saw how close he and Remus were to each other.

“Now then what happened?” asked the Werewolf Sirius then began explaining but in french “Eh bien, je me suis réveillé et j’ai essayé de dire quelque chose, mais au lieu de cela, il est sorti dans Français! (1)”  

Neither Marauder could understand him, so Remus looked at James who was failing to hide how much he was laughing, he was bent over holding his stomach to keep from laughing.

“You did this” accused the Werewolf pointing at James who lost it an began laughing.  

Sirius began cursing James in French. “Salaud! (2)” yelled Sirius he had lots more curse words up his sleeves.

“toi maman fucker! (3)”

“Fils de pute (4)”  

“Je connais ton stupide james mais pas si stupide, je pourrais être comme ça pour toujours! (5)” he ended as his rant lasted a couple of minutes as he calmed down James escaped to the great hall for breakfast.

while Remus, Sirius and Peter followed down after Sirius was much calmer and wasn’t going to attack James if he spots him.  

For the rest of the day Sirius glared at James (who sat next to Lily in class who surprisingly didn’t mind) and flirted with Remus in French as the Werewolf didn’t know what he was saying.

But he did know one word which was ‘love’. Sirius became a lot happier when he saw Remus blushing when he spoke to him. 

The end! Hope you liked this oneshot! 

Eh bien, je me suis réveillé et j’ai essayé de dire quelque chose, mais au lieu de cela, il est sorti dans Français! (1) = Well, I woke up and tried to say something, but instead, it came out in French! 

Salaud! (2) = Bastard! 

toi maman fucker! (3) = You Mother Fucker! 

Fils de pute (4) = You son of a bitch  

Je connais ton stupide james mais pas si stupide, je pourrais être comme ça pour toujours! (5) = I know your stupid james but not so stupid, I could be like that forever! 

Request are open! 


ord count: 500 

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