38# French Blacks (AU)

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Summary : Sirius and Regulus arrive in fifth year (well Sirius' fifth year and Regulus' First year) during the triwizard tournament with the students of Beauxbutons.


French - italics

Third person pov...

The students at Hogwarts eagerly await their Guests as it is their turn to host the Tri Wizard Tournament.

They all quieten down as they see Dumbledore stand up, even the Marauders are quiet and listening for once.

Dumbledore then begins his speech.

"Now we're all settled in and sorted,
I'd like to make an announcement.
Thiscastle will not only be your home thisyear but home to some very special guestsas well. You see Hogwarts has been choosen..."

A man runs up the aisle limping in a comical way, he whisperssomething to Dumbledore and leaves in the same fashion.

Snickers could be heard from the tables.

"-So Hogwarts has been choosen to hosta legendary event. The Tri-Wizard tournament.Now for those of you who do not know,the tri-wizard tournament brings together
three schools for a series of magical

"From each school a single
contestant is selected to compete. Nowlet me be clear, if choosen you standalone. And trust me when I say thesecontests are not for the faint hearted,but more of that later."

"For now pleasejoin me in welcoming the lovely ladies and Gentlemen of the Beauxbatons Academy of magic
and their headmistress Madam Maxime." Said dumbledore.

The doors then open and in walk the Students of Beauxbutons, there is a group of girls with to Boys at the front.

Both brothers, a young one about 11 or 12 and the older one looked about 14 or 15.

They both had long Black hair, it was the elder Brother that caught Remus' eye isntantly.

Next to him James nudged lily with his arm and pointed at Remus who had a blush and a silly smile on his scarred face.

The group of girls dressed in blue dance up the aisle and release
butterflies into the air.

The two boys dance Beautifully at the front together, They bow and everyone applauds.

Remus claps the loudest not that he cares of course.

Time skip....

As the new students sit down and the meal finally starts, the Dumstrang students sit with the Slytherins.

While the Beauxbuton students sit with the Ravenclaws all but one student.

Sirius Black looked around trying to find the cute boy with scars he saw while dancing.

He saw him sitting next to another boy with crazy black hair, a girl with firery red hair, and another boy with blonde hair and watery eyes.

As he arroched them he heard all conversations stop as he walked to the group.

He stopped in front of Remus, seeing someone in front of him Remus looked up.

Sirius smiled "Bonjour la mignonne" he said, Remus heart skipped a beat when he heard him speak.

"Sirius Black, and you are" said the Frenchman in a flawless French accent.

Remus' blushed brightened when he realised he Was still looking.

"i-um I-I'm Remus Lupin" he said, Sirius Smiled and sat down next to Remus who had moved over.

Smiling they talked through out the rest of the meal.

The end!

French - Bonjour la mignonne - Hello Cutie

Hope you liked this one it was fun to write na done of my favourite AUs, don't forget to comment ideas for me please!


Word count : 600

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