#11 Truth Or Dare

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Summary : the marauders along with lily all play truth or dare with veritaserum...


Third person pov

It was a hogwarts hogsmeade weekend, everyone had left apart from the marauders and lily evans.

the marauders are banned from hogsmeade for a week because they made not one but three cauldrons explode in one potions lesson

Lily got detention as well for yelling at james to much in a day.

And so here they are lily and the marauders alone in the Gryffindor common room.

James was trying to sit near lily, Peter was sleeping on one of the single chairs,remus was reading a book and sirius had his head on remus's lap

All was peaceful until.

"hey let's play a game" yelled sirius knocking remus's book out of his hands and earning a slap on the head from said person

James then jumped up from his place next to lily and ran of to get something, he then came back minutesater with an empty butterbear bottle.

"let's play truth or dare" he exclaimed, plopping down on the floor while putting the empty bottle in the middle.

"great idea prongs" yelled sirius dragging remus by the hand to sit next to him on the floor.

Peter then awoke and lily huffed but sat next to remus on his right.

"wait let's make it different" said sirius as he bought out five bottles of something.

"sirius what is that" asked remus sighing at his best friend

"it's veritaserum remmy" said sirius as he dodged a slap on the head again from remus.

He then passed out all five bottles "3 2 1 drink" everyone drank the potion,soon everyones eyes where glazed over.

"who wants to go first"

"i will, I will" yelled James excitedly

"OK James you go first" he spins the bottle at it lands on...


"ohhh why me"

"doesn't matter truth or dare lils" asked james

"Truth you prat"

"OK who's your favourite Marauder?"

"remus, end of story" cue the sad look from James and remus smiling at lily.

"OK my turn"

She spun it and landed on


"ohh great"

"yay thanks lils"

"truth or dare Black"

"truth" he said confidently

"what's your sexuality"

"I'm GAY AF 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈"

Silence, he pouted "you guys dont sound surprised"

"Well cant say I'm surprised" - lily

"i knew it pads" - James

"that's good" murmured remus

"i guessed you were pads" - Peter

They then found out that

Remus was also GAY

Lily was straight

James was Bi

And Peter was still asleep now snoring,It was sirius's turn again

"anyway my turn" sirius spun it and it landed on


"oh goody"

"aww don't be a grumpy puss moons, truth or dare"


"hmmmm do you have a crush on someone?"

"y-yes" remus blushed bright red, sirius thought for a minute.

'please be me, please be me'

James and lily casted each other a knowing look before snapping remus and sirius out of their thoughts.

"OK my turn" he spun it and it landed on...

"lily" remus smirked he knew just the question to ask.

"who do you have a crush on lils" lily paled and look nervously at james before death glaring at remus.

"you are dead" she mouthed at him, remus just shrugged and smiled.

"i-I like potter" she said getting quiet at the end.

"what was that lils speak up"

"i said I like potter"

"still can't hear you!!!!"

"I LOVE JAMES FUCKING POTTER!!! There happy" she yelled scaring everyone, but didn't wake peter up who fell back asleep

"really you do lils" said James shocked, Lily then looked over at him a blushed before nodding.

"WHOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!" he yelled jumping up and doing a weird dance, remus and sirius smiled at them.

James then leaned down and kissed lily full on the lips before sitting back down grinning like a madman.

"Well my turn" lily spun it and it landed on


'Oh know ' remus though 'I'm dead' lily was smiling knkw just what question she was going to ask

(also just so you knkw she already knows that he is a werewolf since he told her and there best friends)

"so who to you like remmy" she asked smirking like he did to her before.

Remus then blushed crimson before muttering something under his breath.

"what was that remmy I couldn't hear you"

"I said I liked *mutters*"

"still can't hear you!!!"

"I like sirius"

"say it louder"

"i said I LOVE SIRIUS BLA-" before he could finish he felt a pair of lips kiss him.

It was sirius he was kissing remus, they stayed like that for a few more seconds before stopping and looking into each others eyes.

"you love me too"

Sirius smiled, "of course how could I not" he said

They then kissed again, with James and lily Fangirling and Fanboying over them whispering.

"i ship it"


"I've been waiting since third year"


The end

I hoped you liked this one it was a fun one to write, please keep commenting ideas it would really help.


Word count : 853

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