#13 Times Padfoot Didn't Give A Sh*t!

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This is a random oneshot I decided to write at like 3am

Summary: when sirius transforms into padfoot at random times


Time 1

Location : marauders dormitory (aka remus's bed)

Remus lupin pov

It was a normal morning I was woken up by sirius who was laying on my lap in Animagus form.

"padds what the heck" i said quietly, as I tried to not wake up james and Peter.

I tried moving my legs but It was as if they were glued to my bed, I gave up and decided to read my book from the night before.

It was hours before I could move, padfoot woke up at like 10am good things it was Saturday.

While reading i didn't realise but I was stroking padfoot fur, when he awoke he just licks my hand and transformed back

This is where I promptly shoved him of my bed, hearing a loud thump.

Time 2

Location : Gryffindor common room

Third person pov

It had been a weird day for all the students because seeing a grim like dog follow round remus allday was weird.

It started of earlier when Gryffindor students got back from hogsmeade,

they came face to face with Remus lupin chasing a huge black dog round the common room screaming threats at it.

It was a hilarious sight to see, the third through fifth years were laughing,

the first and second years didn't know what to do and the six and seventh years just sighed

Since the marauders started at hogwarts this has been a routine thing for them to whitness in Gryffindor Tower.

Time 3

Location : the great hall (breakfast)

Third person pov

It was an ordinary morning for once, everyone gathered in the great hall eating and chatting with friends the staff watching over everyone.

And the marauders haven't pranked (yet), it was quiet until....


The doors were slamed open, causing all conversations to end instantly.

All eyes were looking at a red faced sandy haired fifth year Gryffindor, chasing after a black grim like dog through the halls and doors of hogwarts.

They raced around all the house tables including the staff one, everyone soon began laughing as they nkw saw a book half hanging out of tbe dogs mouth.

Even the professors were laughing Dumbledore was watching in emusment at their antics

While professor Mcgonagall was muttering under her breath about her stupid loud Gryffindors.

The show was on for a few more minutes before remus caught The dog round his legs and dragged him back out where they came from.

Still furiously muttering threats under his breath to the dog who whimpered.
Time 4

Location : the hallway

Third person pov

The marauders where walking through hogwarts corridor for once they were just talking and having fun

Normal right but not when you see then walking with a huge black dog with them.

Just down the corridor a miss lily evans could be seen walking there way.

The dog smirked before innocently waiting until they past and roughly pushed james potter into the lest suspecting girl.

The two Gryffindors fell over with James on top of her.

Hazel eyes stared into deep emerald knowone talked, "it wasn't me I swear lils" was tje voice of james potter.

He then pushed himself up and glared heatedly at the dog, the dog has a look of fear

Before he scampered off away from the angry potter.

The end

I hoped yky liked this sorry if its bad Im writing it at like 3. 40am but any don't forget to comment ideas or feedback


Word count : 625

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