#5 The Date (AU)

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This is an AU oneshot

Summary: remus and sirius are both super nervous for their first date together...


Third person pov

"Prongs I can't do this" said sirius black as he was pacing nervously round the room,'Prongs' also known as James potter smiled at his friends nervous pacing.

"Padfoot listen to me" sirius stopped pacing and sat on James's bed, "you will be fine, it's just only a date

" And besides you know Remus loves you for you, so just be your self" said James to his best friend

"OK but what should I wear, what would remus like on me" sirius asked and once again he got up and started pacing again.

James thought for a minute before, getting up and walking to sirius's closet.

"well lily texted me telling me that remus likes your back ripped skinny jeans since they make your arse look good" he said.

Smirking at padfoots happy blushing face, James walked back over and sat back on sirius's bed and started to text lily,who was with Remus at the time.

At the lupins house with Remus and lily...

Third person pov(still)...

"lily stop texting prongs and Flippin help me" yelled remus lupin as he ran around flinging clothes everywhere.

But lily wasn't listening remus sighed in defeat and walked over to where lily sat and flopped back first next to her.

As she texted James smiling brightly.

Remus saw this, and grabbed her phone from her hands and jumped of his bed and looked at her phone. He looked at the most recent messages and blushed instantly.

"lily!! Why would you text that, padfoot has probably seen it now" he complained falling to his knees lily was smiling, "yes of course i had to, now sirius knows what you like him wearing" she said smugly.

Back with James and sirius...

Soon padfoot was dressed In his jeans (the ones that make his arse look good) and was standing in front of a mirror playing with his hair.

"hey! prongs" he yelled trying to put his hair into a perfect bin, "yeah pads!" came the voice of james. "has lily told you what mooney will be wearing" yelled sirius.

"no she hasn't why" yelled James, "w-well I was hoping that he would wear one of his oversized cardigans since they make him look adorable and warm" sirius stuttered blush rising to his cheeks.

"not sure pads, I check with her" said James coming in the room to grab his phone.

Messages between Jily❤️


Hey lils, siri wants to knkw if mooney would wear one of his oversized cardigans?

Yes he is, what about sirius?

Yeah he's wearing those jeans, I'd say we've done a great job today!

Yeah we totally have!

End of messages between Jily❤️

Third person pov

In the end remus and sirius had an amazing date together, and ended it with a kiss in the moonlight.

The end!

I'm so sorry for not updating for like a week, I've had know ideas for this oneshot, I hoped you like it and don't forget to comment Ideas for me.

Word count : 530

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