52# Passwords

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Summary : James and Lily work together to get Sirius to admit to liking Remus.


James is tired of his Best friends dancing round each other so him and Lily change the Password each day for the a week with things about Remus..


It is 8 pm Sirius just finished his detention with Filch after he pranked the Slytherins.

"Password?" asked the Fat Lady

Sirius sighed 'shit' he didn't know the password "Bravery" he questioned.

The Fat Lady doesn't open, Sirius runs his hand through his hair, "okay then, I'm can you give me a hint?" he asked

The Fat Lady rolls her eyes at the Gryffindor "fine Mr Black, it begins with an 'M'"

"Thanks, okay Mcgonagall, Magic, Muggle, Moon..Ah! Moony" he said Randomly saying words.

The Fat Lady opens "finally" she said, Sirius then walks in "strange password"


James and Sirius are late and don't know the password, well James does of course.


"Well yesterday it was Moony so I'm thinking Werewolf" mused Sirius thinking out loud.

Surprising him the portrait opened.
"wtf! How do you know he is a Werewolf?!" exclaimed Sirius pointing at the Fat Lady.

She sighs "you four aren't very subtle when you talk about your plans, Mr Black"

Sirius is lost for words "okay then" he said and walked in with out seeing James smirking at him.


Sirius is coming back from Quidditch practice the others went on ahead leaving him to play around with his hair.


"um, it's not Moony or Werewolf,so I'm not sure" he said making puppy eyes at the Portrait.

The fat lady sighs at his puppy look couldn't say no to that face.

"hint?" she asks

Sirius smiles "please"

"what is your friend' favourite subject?"

Sirius grins and answers immediately "that's easy, Defense against the dark arts, Remus loves that class" he said Grinning.

the portrait opens and Sirius walks in "thanks"


James and Lily watch Sirius try and get in to the common room from a hallway they timed it perfectly.


"okay so far every password has been about Remus so I say Chocolate!"

The portrait opens.

James and Lily laugh from their hiding place.

James groans but laughs "he still isn't getting it!"

"I know right, tomorrow is Friday so let's up it a notch" said Lily smiling almost Slytherin like

"I totally agree petal" said James.


This time Remus and Sirius were waiting to get into the Common room.


"um, Books?"


"ah shit"

Remus is confused "what do you mean by Books Pad?" asked The Werewolf

Sirius Blushes "w-Well every password this week has been things about you Moons" said the Animagus

Remus Blushes at his words "Really I wonder why, can we get a hint?" he asked the Fat Lady

The Fat Lady sighs "fine only because it is Friday, your hint is what does Remus love the most?"

This made Remus blush even more "w-what" he stuttered out

Sirius jokingly answers "Me of course" he said

Surprising them both the portrait opened Sirius is shocked "what?!"

"I-um sorry!" Remus run inside the common room.

Sirius quickly runs after him "Hey! Wait Moons!" he yelled after him.


Sirius chases Remus all the way to their dorm room, Remus is laying on his bed pillow over his head


"I'm such an idiot" he mutters

A voice answers scaring him "your not an idiot Rem" said Sirius quietly

Remus Jumps startled by Sirius "I am though" he muttered

"I wasn't joking you know, I really do like you Rem" continued Sirius He then sat on Remus' bed

Remus pulls the pillow of his head. "really you do?"

Sirius smiles goofly as Remus "yes I really really really like you"

Remus Blushes "I really like you too Pads"

Sirius smiles wider and Jumps on Remus both of then we're overwhelmed with Happiness.

The end!

Hope you liked this I wrote it a couple of days ago a completely forgot about it!

Word count : 700

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