32# Kindergarten Pt 3

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I couldn't resist not writing part 3 for Kindergarten!


Muggle AU  James and Lily died in a car crash and left Harry, except Sirius wasn't in prison and got custody of him. So come age 5-6 it's time for Harry to go to kindergarten and cue teacher!Remus :D 

Start of recap...

Harry hugged him back "see you later paddy love you too" sirius then pat his head and ran out the door

"see you later Remus" he yelled winking at him.

I then blushed before starting the class.

End of recap...

The next day...

Sirius pov

I'm late!

Was the first thought that popped into my head as I woke up this morning my alarm didn't go of and harry isn't up yet.

All because we were watching a movie and we both fell asleep on the couch some adult I am.

I leap up from the couch and run to the bathroom for a super quick shower.

I got put five minutes later still drying my hair,i then ran to the couch were harry still was.

I then shook his shoulder "Pup wake up, were late" I yelled

Harry then woke and ran of to get ready, as he was doing that I ran to the kitchen.

There's not enough time to go and buy harry lunch, "Shit" I swore, I then rummaged through the fridge and cubboreds looking for food for harry.

I found some cheese and bresd so I made him a cheese sandwich,dor breakfast I grabbed to cereal bars.

I grabbed harrys backpack and put the sandwich in it,i then heard harry running down the stairs.

"be careful" I yelled as he jumped down form the third step,we then left our apartment.

We sprinted to the school I was piggybacking harry running as fast as I could.


We soon made it but we were late but 10 minutes, soon we got to his classroom.

I gave harry this stuff and kisses dhis forehead and knock on the door, we waited for a few moments and it opened.

And there stood remus lupin the cute Kindergarten teacher, I then pushed harry forward a d rmeus put and hand on his shoulder and lead him in.

Remus then came back out and we stared at each other for a few minutes before I cleared my throat.

"ahem, so could I have your number" I asked smirking as he opened his mouth in shock.

"I mean just for school reasons nothing more" I winked, remus then blushed and gave his phone.

I then put my number in his phone, and walked off waving behind me.

"see ya Cutie!" I called back.

Few hours later...

As I was working my phone rang, i took it out it was only 1 pm lunch time it was rmwus I wonder whats wrong.

I then apologisedto James as I answered.

"hey remus what's up?" I asked

"hello, well um harry was sick just a few minutes earlier and now he's crying I was wondering if he was OK before" said remus

I was then worried harry's never been Sick-Sick before, I'm not sure what is could be-wait

I groan and smack my head, ahhhhhh "Umm I know why he is sick" I mumbled

"OK why" he asked

I sighed silently "it was-it was my-my lunch I made him today" I grumbled.

"since I can't not cook for the life of me I usually just buy us store bought dinner and I didn't even check the cheese" I said

"OK, also he hasn't stopped crying he keeps saying that he wants 'Paddy' do you know what a paddy is" asked remus

"yeah I do, it's me thats what he calls me, look I'll be there soon just tell him I be there" I said

"OK see you soon" he said and hung up.

I then sighed poor Harry.

The end

I hoped you have liked this chapter sorry that I haven't updated in a few hours, but here's Pt 3 to Kindergarten


. Word count : 684

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