#20 Fun Memories

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Summary : this it when harry ask Wolfstar when they started dating

Hope you like it


Third person pov

"padfoot moony how did you start dating" 15 year old harry asked one morning in 12 Grimmuld place

Sirius throught for minute and turned to remus nervously, remus sighed and though

"OK fine then I will tell it, sirius do you have a pensive" sirius nodded and went of to get one

Remus then put his wnad to his temple and pulled out a memory and put it in the pensive.

Remus sirius and harry all jumped into the memory

/ The first thing everyone sees are a pair of ripped jean clad legs wearing a red belt with black combat boots came into focus/

/others voices were heard, the camera looked like it was sat against something the person kneeled down it was sirius black/

/ young remus lupin then walked into the view, he was wearing dark blue jeans and a short sleeved dark green button up shirt he looked pretty uncomfortable/

/after a few more shuffling everyone was sat in a circle, the girls were all wearing party dresses/

As they where watching remus whispered to harry what was happening

"this was when we came home from a club, sirius was the only one living alone at the time so we all went to his" he said

/ James then grabbed an empty bottle and put it in the middle, he grinned "how about we play spin the bottle" he said/

/ "James you know what happened last time" complained sirius as everyone else laughed, "oh come on don't be a sour puss it wasn't that bad" said lily who was laughing /

/sirius grumbled something along the lines of 'bastards... Enjoyed.... My ass', the games then started/

/James span the bottle it landed on remus, remus than spun it and it landed on Peter they leaned forward and kissed briefly and pulled back/

Remus groaned loudly,putting his head in his hands as sirius patted his friend on the back somenly

/there where a fe wither pairs such as sirius and James, Alice and remus, James and Lily, Peter and Frank/

/lily span it,it landed on sirius who spun it and it landed on remus they kissed longer than the others but not noticble/

/ remus then spun it once again it landed on sirius again, so they leaned in again and kissed longer/

/wolf whistles could be heard around them as they leaned forward, remus was blushing like crazy/

/the cheers continued until they stopped, sirius mumbled "you are enjoying this sick people" he muttered/

/and you guessed it once again it was remus and sirius, "I fucking swear this thing is cursed" said sirius, "I agree" said remus/

"oh good merlin" moaned remus as sirius winked at him

/sirius held remus's head as they kissed/

/they then broke away a few minutes later, everyone shouted "Wolfstar has finally begun" /

/ James's voice was heard on the camera "and this people is how wolfstar started" he chuckled as sirius lunged at him/

Then memory then ended harry was smiling as they left the memory he then hugged both his godfathers and went of to his room

Remus and sirius were left alone in the kitchen.

"you know I still think it was cursed" said sirius

"shut it" growled out remus

The end

I hoped you liked this I literally just came up with it. Don't forget to comment feedback and any ideas for me.


Word count : 586

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