42# Sirius Can't Find His Wand

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Summary : Sirius can't find his wand the the Marauders know where it is they just wont tell him.


Third person pov...

It was an ordinary day at Hogwarts, the Marauders were getting ready for class, they had Transfiguration first.

So of course they didn't want to be late otherwise Mcgonagall would give them detention.

Remus, James and Peter waited by the door for Sirius who couldn't find his wand.

When he came rushing out of the bathroom Sirius the ever loving Drama queen couldn't find his wand.

The Marauders looked at him and covered up their laughter, as Remus answered him.

"are you Sirius, Pads we have class now" Cried remus in mock annoyance, Sirius just sighed sadly.

"come on guys I want to sit next to Lily flower" wined James from next to Remus

"if we are late again I really think Mcgonagall with turn us into something unnatural" squeaked Peter.

Sirius just sighed, grabbed his bag and they where off to Transfiguration, as they walked as always Sirius and Remus held hands.


Once they got to Transfiguration Professor Mcgonagall looked at Sirius with a raised eyebrow then at the Marauders who zipped their mouths.

Mcgonagall understood and didn't say anything to Sirius about it.

"now class we are going to relearn spells from your first years at Hogwarts, you OWLS will be here soon"

The rest of the lesson Sirius just blocked everything out he was really missing his wand.

After transfiguration was lunch so the Marauders made their way to the great Hall.

Once they got there they say down nad ate, James flirted with Lily like always.

As lunch finished the Boys had Defense with the Slytherins, Sirius still couldn't find his wand.

But he could tell that his friends new something about it he just didn't know what.

Huge time skip...

After the day had finished the boys were sat in the common room doing homework, well Remus was, sirius was still pouting.

Peter had fallen asleep at some point and James was still flirting with his 'Lily flower'

"I think I need to buy a new wand Rem" mutters Sirius but Remus easily heard him.

Remus chuckled but Sirius heard ajd looked at him in confusion.

"do you know where my wand is" accused Sirius.

Remus jsut shook his head not trusting his mouth to not laugh.

Sirius glared and stood up on the sofa "You Do" he yelled.

Sirius then leaped of his side eof the couch and straight onto Remus who wasn't suspecting Sirius to jump on him.

The two began to wrestle Sirius easily winning as always, as they were wrestling everyone in the common room stopped and watxhed them.

They weren't fased at it happend alot.

Eventually they grew tired, James helped them both up and said to Sirius.

"by the way mate haven't you noticed your hair isn't in your face today"

He then laughed and walked away watching sirius' reaction.

Sirius reached up into his hair and felt something he pulled it out and looked at it.

"THE FUCK!!!!" He yelled

It was his wand.

Yes it wa shis wand, he remembered using his wand to hold up his hair while in the shower.

His yell made everyone in the common room die of laughter, Remus was laughing the most leaning on Sirius.

The end!

Finally Sirius found his wand, hope you liked this oneshot the idea just came to me.

Word count : 600

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