88# Singing

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Summary: Sirius loves Queen songs and always sings them until James gets tired and pushes Remus into his arms so he stops singing. 

Third person pov...

1 bicycle race 

As the boys sit around in the common room Sirius starts humming a queen song, he knows many as the band is one of his favourites. 

Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my 

As his sings he gathers the attention of his friends and everyone else in the common room, he is actually a good singer.

James sees Remus blush in the corner of his eyes. ‘oh god I’m doomed’ thought the spiky haired boy.

He just knows Sirius has seen the blush and will now always sing songs by Queen to win the Werewolf over. 

2 Crazy little thing called love 

The next time Sirius sang was in history of magic as of course he was bored out of his mind along with everyone else, so he started humming another song he knew of by heart. 

This thing called love
I just can't handle it
This thing called love
I must get 'round to it
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love 

As he hummed Remus stopped writing notes and looked behind him when he heard his crush singing again. James just buries his head in his hands. 

3 good old fashioned lover boy 

This time he started singing while playing quidditch he laid on his broom balancing perfectly not even wobbling, he then saw Remus and purposely started sing good old fashioned lover boy.

as by now he knew James hated it while his crush loved his singing. 

Ooh love, ooh loverboy
What're you doin' tonight, hey, boy?
Write my letter, feel much better
And use my fancy patter on the telephone (Yeah) 

James groaned and slapped his forehead with his hand, he then grabbed a beaters bat and lobed it as his best Friends head and he hit his target perfectly, Sirius yelped and almost fell of his broom from the bat, he cursed loudly but stayed on.

“oi!” he exclaimed knowing it was James. 

4 somebody to love

The fourth time was the last straw for James, the Marauders were hanging out in their dorm room and Sirius was sing somebody to love around their room, James is now so tired of it and wants it to stop. 

Oh, Lord
Somebody (somebody), somebody (somebody)
Can anybody find me somebody to love?
(Can anybody find me someone to love)  

So the boy grabs Remus by the shirt and pushes his against the other boy “here you go, now please shut up I’m trying to work” he said.

finally and went back to doing his transfiguration homework why Sirius and Remus just blushed but stayed in each other’s arms surprised at James. 

The end!  

Hope you liked this one shot, request ideas please im low on them. 

But yay 3 oneshots written tonight! 


ord count: 515

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