#10 Prisoner Of Azkaban!!

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OK so here me out I've been thinking of ideas for this one so I hope you like it, (prisoner of Azkaban is my all time favourite movie)

Summary: in the shrieking shack when the golden trio meet sirius


Third person pov

Italics mean its from the book

Ron was staring over Harry's shoulder. Harry wheeled around.

With a snap, the man In the shadows closed the door behind them.

A mass of filthy hair clung to his elbows. If eyes hadn't been shining out of the deep, dark sockets.

he might have been a corpse. The waxy skin was stretched so tightly over the bones of his face.

It looked like a skull. His yellow teeth were bared in a grin. It was sirius black.

Hermione stood imfront of harry protectively, as she saw sirius step forward.

"i knew you would come for your friend harry" he croaked,looking at them with his deep grey eyes.

"if you want to kill harry you have to kill us first" yelled hermione grabbing onto harry and Ron

"no only one will die tonight" sirius growled, Harry then lunged forward towards sirius

"then It will be you" he yelled, Harry tackled sirius to the ground, both struggling to win, Harry ended up having his wand pointed at sirius

Sirius then laughed "hahaha are you going to kill me harry" he laughed and until harry shook him hard.


"Expelliarmus" lupin yelled.

Harry's wand flew out of his hand, so did hermiones. Lupin caught them all deltly, then moved into the room, staring at black.

Lupin then walked over to sirius staring down at him, "sirius" he finally said he helped sirius up they hugged and kissed each other eagerly.

It has been forever since they each saw each other last, "remus it's him hes here, let's kill him" said sirius excited.

"No" roared hermione as she stepped in front of harry "i trusted you, all this time you've been with him" she continued.

"hes a werewolf that's why he misses lessons" she said, looking up at him as lupin walked forward

"how long have you known" he asked wand pointed,"since professor snape set the essay" she continued

"Well well hermione yuu really are the brightest witch of your age" remus said

"explained to me how you two know each other and why did you kissed earlier" harry yelled.

Remus then looked at sirius as if asking if he could, sirius nodded and remus then slung an arm around sirius.

"first off sirius is innocent it was Peter pettigrew who sold your parents to voldemort" explained remus, and for some reason harry felt the need to believe him.

"and the other apart" hermione asked, sirius and remus both turned bright red in embarrassment.

"w-well me and sirius have been dating since our 5th year" explained remus.

"OK" harry said.

Time skip to when remus transforms...

It was the full moon and remus had forgotten to take his wolfsbane potion, he was transforming sirius saw his and transformed into padfoot and stood protectivly in front of harry, hermione Ron and snape.

Mindlink between padfoot and moony

P: moony is that you

M: padfoot

P: moony is pronglet and his James and lily

M: prongs let he didn't die

P: no moony he survived it was wormtail who betrayed us

End of mindlink...

Sirius then transformed back into a human and turned towards everyone

"moony won't hurt you remus is in control" sirius explained, moony then stood alert and ran off.

Professor Snape carried Ron up to the school with hermione while harry and sirius tagged along at the back.

At the school they saw dumbledore who looked confused,then moony came running up to them with something in his mouth.

It was "pettigrew" growled out sirius as he pet moony head before grabbing Peter and put him in anti animagus binds.

Times skip...

In the end fudge was called to hogwarts and everything was explained sirius was freed and got alot of gallons from the ministry for arresting someone from the noble and ancient house of black.

Harry got to live with Remus and sirius at potter manor,remus and sirius ended up getting married a few years later and adopted harry.

The end.

I've hoped you've liked this chapter I've been meaning to write one like this since this is how I wished prisoner of Azkaban had been but oh well

Word count : 750

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