79# sick

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Summary: Sirius gets ill and Remus notices the signs each day.


Third person pov...

The first sign was the clingyness that Remus noticed when his boyfriend started getting sick, he noticed almost instantly as Sirius was more clingy than usual. He held onto Remus' arm and wouldn't let go. He also sat in Remus' lap in every class the Dog just wouldn't let Remus leave his side.

The second sign was the sleepiness Remus noticed Sirius falling asleep alot more, sometimes the animagus would fall asleep with his eyes open and Remus would have to wake him up again.

The third sign along with the clingyness and being tired is the nothing eating anything. At breakfast Sirius just wouldn't eat, he'd say he was full or wasn't hungry which worried Remus so here put little bits if food on his boyfriends plate and Padfiot would eat those tiny little pieces of food. Remus did it for lunch and dinner too.

After that last sign Remus had enough and put Sirius to bed, his boyfriend was ill and the Werewolf was going to look after him.

As Sirius was to tired to do anything so his Boyfriend dressed him in some pyjamas and one of his own jumpers, he then tucked Sirius into bed.

Remus fluffed up the pillows, gave him extra blankets to keep warm, he left a glass of water on Sirius' desk when when needed a drink. He also gave him lots of attention and affection as he knew Walburga and Orion would never take care of their oldest child when he was ill.

He gave his boyfriend a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room to let him get some sleep. "I love you siri, get well soon" he whispered before closing the door, he just missed Sirius whispering back. "Thank moon,love you" before falling back into a dreamless sleep.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, almost up to 80 oneshots can't believe it!

Word count: 335

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