40# Memories In Azkaban

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Memorise in Azkaban

Summary: Sirius thinks about distant happy memories from the past while in Azkaban prison alone.

Third person pov…

In Azkaban prison sat Sirius Black, his hair that was usually up to his shoulders is now long pass his shoulders matted with dirt and grime, his face gaunt and pale

The clothes he wore where thin you could see his ribs.

He was a sight for sore eyes, but he only had two thoughts the first one was to get out and see harry.

the second was to find and mend things with Remus lupin his boyfriend from 5th year until he was taken to Azkaban.

“Harry” he muttered pulling out a photo of his young Godson from thin air, from a young age Sirius had been able to use small amounts of wandless magic, the picture was taken on their last Christmas together.

They were spending it at Godric’s hollow, Peter was not in it thankfully.

Sirius and Remus were sat together on the love seat while Lily and James sat opposite them with harry whizzing around on his child’s broom.

Smiling softly at the picture Sirius remembers happy memories from years ago.

when he was back at Hogwarts, when James and Lily were alive and when he and Mooney where dating.

All the pranks he and the Marauders would play during their years at Hogwarts, when he and Remus finally started dating and remembering how happy he was when they did.

He then pulled out a second photo after the first one disappeared.

it was a picture of Remus and Him when they first started dating, it was from their 5th year and Lily had a muggle camera.

Both boys were on the sofa asleep cuddling on a sofa in the Gryffindor common room.

Remus was sleeping with his arms wrapped tightly around Sirius with his head buried in Sirius neck while Sirius was sound asleep on his chest with his face stuffed in the space between Remus’ neck and shoulder.

They made a cute couple that everyone thought they where already dating and where sad to find out that they just got together.

Peter and James had a betting pool going on to see when they would get together.

Sirius smiled lovingly at the picture of him and Remus, he would give anything to get out of Azkaban and back in his boyfriends’ arms.

he had been planning to propose to the werewolf just after Harrys first birthday.

But of course, Peter betrayed them, and Voldemort killed James and Lily.

He solely wished he were thinking better that night in Godric’ hollow instead of handing harry over to Hagrid and running after Peter.

Still smiling at the picture Sirius whispered in a horse voice mainly to himself.

“I while get out of here and set things right” he muttered kissing the picture before vanishing it again and closing his eyes wishing he were away from the Dementors.

The end!

Hope you liked this one shot I haven’t written a Wolfstar one in a while I’m so sorry for the wait.

Word count: 520

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