43# First Years

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Summary : first years meet Hogwarts Sirius Black and Remus Lupin

Third person pov....

A new school year at Hogwarts has began and all the first years have already heard of Hogwarts' one and only 'Bad Boy' Sirius Black and his boyfriend Remus Lupin.

Of course they hope to run into them and the rest of the Marauders at some point at Hogwarts. We'll lucky for them their wish came true!

4 first year (Two Gryffindor, one Ravenclaw and a Slytherin) students were walking around Hogwarts looking for the library as they where trying to find their way around the school.

"I think it's down that corridor" said the Gryffindor boy as he led the group, the other three followed him.

"arw you sure" asked the Ravenclaw Girl

"Pffff of course definitely sure" he said Confidently.

As the got closer to the opening of the corridor the Slytherin girl stopped them which made the others argue with her.

"Shut up! I hear voices. She hissed, quickly shutting the others up, she then went first.

The four students poked their heads around the corner and saw a funny sight.

" Come on Rem, just bend down" ~ Sirius

" *laughs* no sorry pads" ~ Remus

It was Remus Lupin and Sirius Black, Remus was leaning against a wall with his arms behind his neck eyes closed with a smile on his face at Sirius.

While Sirius was pouting with his arms crossed looking up at Remus as he stood on his top toes obviously trying to kiss Remus.

"come on pleaseeeeee" whined the dark haired boy, Remus did nothing but smile.

The first years Jaws dropped, is this for real.




They said together as they watched the two fifth years before them. The four then turn around and begin walking back to the great Hall.


"that was something"

With Remus and Sirius...

Remus heard retreating footsteps he looked to the left, he turned to Sirius about to say something before Sirius kissed him.

Sirius pulled back with a sly grin and walked away from his stunned Boyfriend.

"oi! Sirius!" exclaimed Remus as he ran after Sirius who had turned into Padfoot and was legging it down the corridor.

The end!

Hi I know it's been a while but I hsve finally updated I'm so sorry for the wait but I hope you liked this oneshot I wrote it last night!

Word count : 405

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