49# Books And Things

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Summary : Sirius likes to carry His boyfriends things for him, like books, His bag and even Remus himself sometimes.


1. Books

Third person pov...

Remus had just finished getting new books from the library to read, he had a stack of defence books, potions books you name them.

They covered his face so he was walking slowly to not bump into anyone, as he was walking he didn't see or hear Sirius come up behind him.

Sirius then took the books and held them in his hands which helped Remus, but Remus wanted to help so he held out his hand to grab some.

But instead Sirius quickly Swapped the books to one hand and held Remus' with his free one.

Remus looked at Sirius for a minute silently before speaking, "that's not what I-" Sirius smiles at him

Remus smiles back with a blush on his face "okay" he eventually said as they continued to walk to Gryffindor common room.

2. Bag

Remus never carries his school bag to class because Sirius always grabs it before he can pick it up.

It happens every lesson and Sirius never forgets even if Remus leaves early he always catches up to the Werewolf and grabs Remus' bag from him.

"Hey Padfoot really!" yelled Remus and he ran after the his shorter boyfriend.

"Nope sorry Moony! I always do this and you can't stop me" yelled Back sirius who just kept on running to Transfiguration.

3. Remus

Sirius is shorter than Remus everyone knows that so it's always funny to watch him carry the taller Boy around Hogwarts.

Remus is usually on his back, or over Sirius' shoulder, Sirius may look weak but he is very Strong.

"Sirius tell me again wh ytoy are carrying me Bride style" asked Remus wrapping his arms around Sirius.

Sirius just laughed "because I want to Remmy don't question me" he said making Remus sigh at the nickname.

Sirius has endless nicknames for Remus.

The end!

A bit shorter then normal I know didn't have much to write for this oneshots, but yay almost upto 50 oneshots can't believe it!

Thsnk you so much for all the reads, comments and votes it makes me happy to read and see them all! Don't forget to comment ideas requests arw always open as I don't usually have ideas to write for!

Word count : 400

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