64# Cafè (AU)

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Summary : Sirius works at a cafe and book shop he works the register and sees Remus.

Hi welcome to another wolfstar AU oneshot!


Third person pov

As the door opened the little bell uptop tinkles making a sweet ringing noise in the otherwise quiet café.

The sweet smell of hot Coffee and freshly baked goods smell heavenly,the quiet chatter of the guests as they sat on the round tables eating and drinking.

On this particular day the café staff were busy, taking orders, and washing up as the pita pater of the storm continued raging outside.

Umbrellas were stacked high in the umbrella rack as the storm wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

A handsome man about early twenties was maning the cash register, he had dark brown hair about up to his shoulders.

He has deep grey eyes and a handsome face, he was about 5'10 he had broad shoulders and built up muscles.

His name was Sirius Black...

Sirius pov

Why am I here, I thought as I took the orders of two girls, "so what would you lovely lady's like" I asked kindly.

One of the girls laughed and held hands with the other one 'cute they are together'  I thought "could we have two hot chocolates and two chocolate muffins please" they said

I then nodded and put it into the register to see the amount of money they needed to pay.

"of course, that will be £3.30 please" I said they then handed me the money and walked of to a table.

I then wrote down their order and gave it to another staff member my best friend James potter who was cooking.

"here ya are James" I said as I gave him his order, James then took it from me smirking and then went to work.

James had messy black hair-he never brushes it-with Hazel eyes he wore round glasses with silver framing, he was about 6ft with a built frame from all the sports we played.

James and I have been friends since we were 11, we went to a boarding school called Hogwarts up in Scotland,we were there for 6 years.

We've been close ever since we first met on the first train ride there, we shared the carriage and dorm,we also became friends with a small rat like boy called Peter pettigrew.

But as the years after Hogwarts came the marauders (our group name) fell apart Peter left the country while me and James stayed.

James and me have been through thick and thin, with my parents disowning me when I came out as gay when I was 15 going on 16.

But James didn't care if I wasn't straight he and his parents were there for me when mine weren't.

But anyway My life is amazing right now and nothing can stop that.

My thoughts were interrupted as the bell chimed, another customer I guess, I sigh softly and begin to make my way back to the cash register.

I look up at the person, my heart beats fast and I could feel myself blushing as I saw the devishly handsome face of a Male my age maybe younger.

A hand was then waved in my face "I-Umm excuse me sir" said a soft voice, it came from the Angel in front of me.

I then shook myself out of my day dream and tried to focused on work, I looked up again and almost melted at the smile he sent me.

I smirked "Hello beautiful what can I get you" I asked teasingly, the man then blushed red.

He was holding a laptop case in his hand his hair was wet from the storm outside.

"I would like some Hot chocolate please" he said, "no problem, that would be £1.50 please"i said he handed me the money.

I then gave the order to James he looked at it while I watched the cute guy walk over to a table and sit down.

"Ooo someone's In love~" James said teasingly raising an eyebrow at me while I nudged him grabbing the order and walking away.

I then gave the cute guy his order and left a piece of paper I had written on earlier, I watched as the guy read it blushing he looked at me and I winked at him.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot.

Word count: 740

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