86# Bad Day

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Summary: Remus has a bad day and Sirius helps. 

Third person pov… 

Usually, Remus Lupin is very calm and logical but today that was not the case he is in a bad mood, but he doesn’t know why.

He has snapped at the professors, even snapped at Dumbledore and didn’t apologise for it, his friend were worried.  
So, when he came back from the library and walks into the common room and sees Sirius lying down on the many couches he just storms over and plopped down on his lap and buried his head in Sirius’ chest.  

Sirius jerked at the action but didn’t mind it anything to help his Moony, the two got lots of stares from the Gryffindors as no one knew they were dating until now when they kept it a secret for so long.

Sirius ignores the eyes watching them and wraps his arms around his tall boyfriend and hugs him close. 

“Nothing to see here folks” he yells to everyone giving them a glare worthy of a Black and soon the eyes left the two alone, the other Gryffindors went back to their conversations with their friends which gave Sirius a chance to ask Remus what was wrong. 

He ran a hand through his hair and put his chin on his boyfriend’s head. “Hey, moons you okay there” he asks him and gets Remus shakes his head.

“Bad day” he mumbled into Sirius’ chest. “Okay, what happened” he asks again happy the Werewolf is talking to him. 

Remus mumbled something Sirius couldn’t hear, Sirius chuckles softly “I can’t hear you love” he says leaning closer to Remus’ mouth to hear him.

“I snapped at all the Professor Pads I’m mortified” whispered Remus looking up at Sirius. 

He had tears in his eyes, now Remus didn’t usually loose control over his emotions, so Sirius did his best to comfort his sad boyfriend by giving him hugs and lots of attention which Remus loved, and he felt better.   

When the Werewolf fell asleep after crying into Sirius shirt his boyfriend carried him bride style upstairs to their dorm and tucked him in bed.

Sirius smiled and kissed his forehead and whispered “love you Moony” before quietly leaving. 

When he got to the common room, he was attacked with Questions from his house mates, they all crowded round him asking lots of questions about him and Remus. 

 “Are you dating” 

“How long have you been together for” 

“Is he okay” 

“How long have you kept it a secret” 

Sirius waves his arms around and everyone shuts up, he looks over in the corner and sees James and Peter cracking up with laughter at the predicament he is in.

“alright alright everyone shut up!!  I will answer your questions one at a time” he yells moving through everyone and slouches on the sofa. 

“First of yes we are dating, we have been together since fourth year, yes Remus is fines he’s having a bad day and lastly we have kept it a secret since James and Peter found out a couple of months ago” he finishes answering everyone’s questions. 

The end! 

Hope you liked this one-shot so sorry for the wait haven’t had many ideas lately 

Word count: 541

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