108# Telepathic

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Summary: Remus and Sirius talk telepathically to each other during dinner zt Grimmuld place.

Third person pov...

It was finner tome for the residents at Sirius' House, as the kids all went running into the kitchen for Mollys cooking Sirius and Remus took their time and walked hand in hand together.

The others weren't surprised at this as they already guessed they were together, Sirius then sat at the head of the table Harrrt on his left and Remus at his right.

He winked at his Godson as everyone began to shovel food onto their plates as Sirius began talking to Remus telepathically.





-what Pad!-

-Nothing just wanted to annoy you-

-sure Siri-

A couple seconds later Sirius was annoying his boyfriend again.





-yes Siri- came the tried voice of Remus

-I love you- spoke Sirius

His words made the Werewolf soften and blush, his red face made everyone look zt the ex-Professor. "Are you okay Remus dear, you've gone bright red"  Asked Mrs Weasley.

Remus coughed sending a are to Sirius whi was snickering, the Werewolf smiled at the red haired woman. "Don't worry Molly I am fine" he assured her before turning back go his meal.

-you're a menace- he sent ti Sirius who snorted into his cup.

-I know, you love me really-

-yes I do-

The two me  shared a secret smile before joining in on the conversations around them.

The end!

Hope you liked this oneshot, so sorry for it not being long I haven't had many ideas for oneshots.

Requests are open.

Word count: 270

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