61# Middle Names

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Saw a Headcannon on Pinterest decided to write this for it!

Summary : Sirius knowing Remus' middle name is John but he always give him the most reduculous middle names


1. Thaddeus

The first time Sirius used Thaddeus was in Charms when they had an assessment and Remus got a full score.

Sirius :  OF COURSE he got a perfect score in Charms, HE'S REMUS THADDEUS LUPIN! "

Remus : *face palms next to Sirius* that's not my name Siri

Sirius: I know *Winks at Remus*


2. Michelangelo

Remus was surprised at this name, it was during Breakfast and Mcgonagall asked to speak with Remus about something.

Sirius is shocked.


Remus: *Looks at him then smashes his head Don the table groaning* not the names again


3. Elizabeth

Now Elizabeth was just a funny nickname Sirius called Remus

"Fuck,Remus Elizabeth Lupin-"

Remus covered his mouth before he finished "nope not again Pads" muttered the Werewolf

Sirius nodded and Remus let his mouth go "yes Sir, Remus Darcey Lupin" Sirius said quickly before running away with Remus hot on his tail.

They ran around the school.

The end!

Hope you liked it! Shorter than usual I know sorry about that.

Word count : 207

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