59# Mum Of The Group

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An idea from idkwhatever on Archive of our own :

So i saw this one headcanon on tiktok where in fifth year hope dies because she was ill or sth and remus and hope had this tradition when she would cut his hair every year and he would talk to her and it was very personal and it was like their thing but that year she died so he arrives at hogwarts with his hair longer than normally and the marauders dont know that his mom used to cut it so they are teasing him and then one day he kind of loses it and tells james about everything bc he is the mom of the group and then james comforts him and cuts his hair or at least tries.

So yeah thats whay this will hopefully be about.


Third person pov...

The first thing Sirius Black saw when he spotted his Boyfriend was his hair.

It was definitely longer than the last time he saw him (which wasn't that long ago).

"Hey Rem! Having a bad hair day or something" he asked slapping his Boyfriend on the back, Remus coughed at the slap.

He smiled weakly not wanting to make Sirius worried "yes something like that I thought it was time for a change" he said

"well I think it's a nice change suits you Remmy" Sirius winked at his tall Boyfriend 

They then waited for James and Peter to come to their compartment and they where off to Hogwarts for another year.

Throughout the ride James could tell that something was up with Remus the signs where all there.

Number 1 his Hair, usually its all cut and neat but it looked more messy than neat

Number 2 was his mood James could see he was sad about something but Remus didn't want Sirius to be worried.

Number 3 is he didn't talk as much as he usually did

James continued to think about these things until they arrived at Hogwarts after a long trip.


"uhhh I'm so tired" Complained both sirius and James as the four boys walked up to their dorm, as always Dumbledore rattled on about random things.

Before they got ready for bed James managed to pull Remus aside and downstairs to the common room.

Remus was confused but let himself be pulled by James "what's up Prongs" he asked a fake smile on his face.

James had a Serious (no pun intended) look on his face which Rmeus saw and stopped joking, he sat on the sofa next to James.

"my mum died during the Summer, she used to cut be hair before coming back but if course she died and I didn't have anyone else to cut my hair for me" Remus explained

James listened to his Best friend by the end of it Rmeus was crying wrapped up in James arms.

(because we all know what a mother hen he can be)

"it's okay Rem" he muttered then an idea lit in his head he smiled and gently pulled away from Remus.

"how about I cut yuur hair Rem" he asked

"Really James you would" James smiles at the taller boy "of course I will" he grinned

James then sent a patronus to Lily who came down with some hair things to help James cut Remus' hair.

Together the two of them cut Remus' hair and Sirius was none the waiser at what happened until the morning when Remus told him about his Mum.

He got a huge hug from his loveable Boyfriend.

The end!

Hope you liked it! A bit longer that usual!

Word count : 605

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