34# 4 Times Sirius Had A New Hair Style At Hogwarts

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Saw something like this on Pinterest and just had to write one myself.

Summary : who does Sirius' hair.... Remus of course who else would Sirius let touch his hair. Definitely not James.

Time 1 (messy bun)

"Moony!!!" yelled Sirius as he ran out of the bathroom after showering.

he was dressed in his unform with his tie around his neck instead of it being tied.

He also had a towel on his head as he rubbed his hair trying to dry it.

hearing Sirius calling him Remus looked up from the book he was reading and took one look at Sirius' wet hair.

He put his book down and patted the space in between his legs.

"sit down Pads I'll help you" he said smiling when Sirius grinned and sat down in between Remus' legs.

Remus the used a charm to dry Sirius' hair before grabbing a black hair tie.

grabbing Sirius's hair and putting it into a messy bun, as he knew Sirius would just leave it.

"done!" he exclaimed and patted Sirius' shoulder letting him know he was done.

Sirius then stood up turned around and kissed Remus as thanks.

"thank you Moony" he exclaimed

before grabbing his stuff and bounding down the stairs for breakfast, Remus just laughed and ran after him.

Time 2 (a French braid)

It was time for defence against the dark arts and Sirius had forgotten to tie up his hair.

Remus had noticed and grabbed a hair tie just in case.

As they all got ready to duel Sirius ran over to Remus with a pout on his face.

"moonyyyy! I forgot to tie my hair up" he complained to Remus.

Remus sighed and held the hair tie up and Sirius' face brightened "come on then" said Remus sitting down on the floor.

Sirius then sat down on the floor in front of his legs.

Remus then started to braid his loud but lovable boyfriends' hair.

as they did this the rest of their class watched them, It didn't take Remus long before he finished.

Once he did Sirius grinned and kissed his cheek before running if to his duelling partner James.

Time 3 (wavy)

"Hey Black , why is your hair always so curly" asked Lily as she and the Marauders where eating lunch in the great hall

Sirius swallowed before answering her.

"because Lily flower Remus always Braids my hair for me before we sleep" said Sirius

his answer surprised her.

"really he does?" she said.

Sirius played with his hair casually as he spoke to the red head.

"yup, he's pretty good at it if I do say so myself" he said.

before going back to his food completely missing the huge blush that had appeared on his Boyfriends face.

Time 4 (ponytail)

It was time for Quidditch practise for the Gryffindor team. James was the seeker, Sirius a Chaser.

Remus did not play it and neither did Peter, but the came to watch them obviously.

Before Sirius left the common room Remus reminded him to let him tie his hair fir him, Sirius let him and ended up having a pony tail.

As he played his hair came undone a few times so each time it did he was fly over to where Remus sat and asked his to tie it up again.

After it was tied up again, he kissed Remus and the games resumed from where it stopped as the team all watched Remus do Sirius' hair.

The end!

Hope you liked this one shot it was fun to write! Do not forget to comment Ideas for me, bye!

Word count: 610

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