92# Little things

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#92 little things 

Summary: the marauders hang out in the common room together. 

Third person pov… 

“Hah fat chance as if anyone will beat Gryffindor in quidditch!” exclaimed James as he and Lily sat curled up on the big red sofa in the common room.

Lily rolls her eyes at her boyfriend but secretly likes it when he is talking about quidditch because it makes him happy.  

Sirius lets out aloud laugh from the second red armchair in the common room, he and Remus had both squeezed in it together (even thought is way to small for both of them, but they always sit in it together)

“hells yes, Gryffindor will always win” he yelled as he and James broke out into laughs as the four hung out on a calm Wednesday night.  

From under Sirius (as Sirius was sitting sideways on his boyfriends’ lap) Remus just shook his head and smiled as Sirius and James were getting in to another quidditch conversation that will last hours, the werewolf was reading one of his many books with Sirius casually playing with the Werewolf’s hair. 

As the night went on Remus fund himself growing tired as Sirius played with his hair, running his fingers through it, his calm voice.

Remus closed his eyes for a second to enjoy the moment he wanted it to last forever just him and his close friends hanging out together like normal teenagers do after a busy school day. 

As Sirius continues to run his fingers and plays with his boyfriends’ hair, he doesn’t realise that Remus had fallen asleep.

the Werewolf had a relaxed smile on his face which made Sirius kiss his tall boyfriends’ forehead without realising he did it. 

He then blushed when he felt James and lily’s eyes on the two of them “aww that was adorable black” squealed Lily as she stared at him and Remus.

James just smirked at Sirius as the guy who was known as the ‘punk of Hogwarts’ did something so soft and sweet to his Boyfriend. “Oh, shut ya face Jamie” hissed Sirius making James laugh. 

The end! 

Here you go a cute fluffy one for you, hope you liked this one shot. 

Word count: 372 

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