First Time

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You and James had been dating for a little over a year. James always had given you hints he wanted to do IT. He would kiss you roughly and passionatley and trail kisses down your jaw and neck. You would always stop him there, you were afraid to do it. You were a virgin and you weren't sure how things worked, plus you didn't want to stain his covers with blood. Don't get it wrong, you really wanted to do it but you were just... afraid. One day James did the usual thing. He kissed your neck your temple your lips and then he backed you up to a wall.

You: J-James, I-Im ready. I wanna do it.

James: You sure. I mean you don't have to if you don't wanna. I don't want you to feel pressured.

Awww. He's such a good boyfriend.

You: No its fine. But umm you should know something first.

James: Ok...

You: I'm a virgin and I don't want to stain your covers...

James: I know that haha and don't worry about my covers ok?

You: You sure cause I mean i-

James cut you off

James: Yes Im sure lets just go upstairs already.

You: Ok.

James carries you bridal style up the stairs and puts you down on his bed. He then closed the door behind him. He got on top of you and started kissing you roughly but lovingly. He stuck one hand inside your shirt and started moving his hand up towards your breasts. He grabbed one of your boobs and started to sort of squeeze it making you moan. He was still kissing you and smiled into the kiss. He then took your shirt of and started unclasping your bra. He kissed you again and now you took his shirt off. James then headed south. He took off your pants with a quick movement and you took his off. You were now naked except for your panties. You took James's boxers off and now he was totally naked. He took off your panties and stared at you from head to toe.

James: You are beautiful.

You blush and then start getting nervous for what was coming. James gets your panties off and hover on top of you. He noticed you were nervous.

James: Its gonna hurt a little ok. If it is too bad tell me and I'll stop ok?

You: Yeah. Just do it.

James then slowly entered you with his hard member. You have to admit it really hurt. You let a tear escape and wiped away before James saw it. James started to thrust slowly and although it hurt at first you then started to feel so much pleasure. James then started to go faster and faster making you reach your climate. You were moaning so loud you were sure the neighbors could hear you.

You: Oh my God...JAMES Im so c-close!!

James: UGHH, me too. You're so tight!!!


You both reached your climax. James then laid beside you. You noticed you stained his covers with blood.

You: Oh my God, your covers I'm so sorry I'm gonna wash the-

James: Its fine, by the way you are amazing!!!

You blush and James kisses you again. You changed the covers and went to sleep with James wrapping his arms around you.

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now