On the Set ( Quickie )

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“Come on baby, please?”
“James we are on set, no”
“Come on, just a quickie in my trailer that’s all I ask for”
“Ugh, fine”
You finally give into James’s begging. Not so much because it annoys you like you’re leading him to believe, but because it’s been a while since the last time you had sex and you want it just as bad as he does.  He’s holding tight onto your hand as he practically drags you to his fitting room. He quickly pushes you in and slams the door behind him, turning you around pulling off you shirt before pressing you up against the cool wood. You don’t take your time with removing each other’s clothes, seeing as you have little time to waste in the first place.
James now has you lifted up by your ass with your legs around his waist, and slams into you hard. He’s usually a lot gentler but since he only has a few minutes before he’ll need to be back on set, he has to make this hard and fast. You work your hips with his pushing down onto him when he pushed up, causing a fantastic friction between your bodies. This fast pace doesn’t take long before the two of you are calling out each other’s names in the form of moans. Running your nails down each other’s bodies sure to leave matching marks, along with red blotches from biting, which you’re more than positive the makeup crew is going to hate you for.  With just a few more thrusts of his hip, your orgasm hits you like a rocket, your whole bodies shaking. Your walls tightening against him and you calling out his name, breath hot on his ear, he hits his peak long with you, still riding out both your orgasms.
He doesn’t have time to relax and calm down like he normally would, he quickly gets redressed and heads off to make up for his, now every needed, touch up. But not before giving you a quick kiss and thanking you for helping him out.
 “I love you, and I’ll see you at home in a few hours”
Ending it with a wink as he slips out the door.

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