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The sun started to set, vanishing into the horizon with one last burst of energy, as if it was a candle being blown out. The darkness of night replaced the skies, giving a creature hovering the skies an easy cover. Large bat-like wings kept his muscular form in flight as it moved above the many houses that kept the sleeping forms of the humans 'safe'. He had been tracking a beautiful woman who's skin made of chocolate,who's lips are full and luscious, and to James she is an easiest target, the most enjoyable. As it landed on the roof of a silent home, he lets out an amused snort at the rush of icy air that rushes away from him and onto the roofing. He then waits for the human inside to fall into deep sleep.

He replays a scene of earlier today in his head, the topic itself amused him. Did demons love? He recalls touching a hand to his heart, unconsciously reacting just to feel...nothing.

In his opinion she were an easy prey, with a young with open heart and mind. Then he found his eyes lingering on her coming from Starbucks talking to her friend about the paranormals and the incubus. Which he overheard her saying.

Y/N: "I just don't believe in them..."

James: Oh I will make you believe....

"I'll make you writhe in pleasure you didn't even know was possible..." the seductive tone of his voice carried into the night and into the ears of your sleeping form.

The brunette haired devil slipped into your room, letting loose his charm which wraps around the room like a shadow and sinks into the air like a spell. Hazel eyes shifted into crimson when he sees the restless form of your body, sheets tossed about and tangled around your legs and twitching from, leaving you oh-so defenseless. His ears pick up the soft groan that escapes your lips, the never ending surge of lust knawing impatiently at him.

Hmm, must be a night terror.

"Now that wont do....I need you calm. For now." the smooth tone of his voice visibly relaxes the sleeping girl, the charm laced tone soothing your dreams. He didn't miss the spike of fear jumping in your heartbeat as he knows now you can hear him. Your vulnerably sweet form propels him to reach out and stroke your face, his fingertips pushing some of your disheveled hair back and continuing on your jawline, in which you unconsciously leans your head into his eager hands.

The bed shifts under his weight as he moves to hover over you, paying no mind to your barely clothed form. He had to this right, yet it should feel so routine by now...

He gently presses his lips against your neck, feathering light kisses against your chocolate skin. He ignores his pressing urge to just take you and lets his mind wander into your own, leaving part of his control to his physical body.

Your dream was elaborate, critical, detailed. It was not the type of dream he was used to, not fluffy dreamlands or places of paradise and warm beams. For that he wasn't sure if he was grateful or irritated.

It was easy to recognize the your cries in the air along with the whipping sounds of the blizzard that greets him. He glanced quickly around his surroundings, eyes meeting with the frozen wasteland before him. He thinks vaguely, I can work with this... He quickly finds you form kneeling in the snow, back to him and hands tangled in your hair in distress. He smells the addictive scent well before he notices the spots of blood in the snow and shards of broken glass scattered around you.

"The snow is no pl-" he begins clearly.

"No! Don't!" You said as you quickly instantly whips around, kicking up snow in your haste and staring wide eyed in fear at the demon. "Please-" Your voice dies off and the fear in your eyes drifts off into one of panic. Hands leave your head to push herself off of the snow, revealing a deep wound and a slow ribbon of blood that trails down her face. The light haired males eyes flicker when said girl swys a bit, as if dizzy, before speaking to him.

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now