New Kid

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No one wants to be the new kid at a school right? Everything is new, you don’t know a single person, the school seems like labyrinth and the worst: Everyone stares at you.

And all of this prejudices seem to be true as you walk through the doors of your new school completely alone and lost. Nevertheless you walk through the hallways hoping you find the office on your way. You could feel the stares of all the people but you tried to ignore them which wasn’t that easy. After a few moments later you realize that it is hopeless to wander around so you had to ask someone but who? The best thing would be to close your eyes breath in and out and walk to the first person you see. And that’s what you do.

As you open your eyes you see the back of a guy who is talking with what you think are his friends. Remembering your plan you walk up to him. “Excuse me?” you say quietly. But he doesn’t turn around you can only hear a few gasps as you tip him on the shoulder. “What?” the boy says annoyed as he turns around with a quiet mad facial expression. “I-I wanted to ask you if you could tell me where I find the office.” You didn’t dare to look up to him. In your mind you made a little note: Never try the close-your-eyes-and-go-to-the-first-best-person-theory ever again.

You hear him laugh and you couldn’t help and look up to see his smile turns into a smirk as he looks you up and down. Uncomfortably you step from one to the other foot. “It’s ok. I-I will find it.” you stutter out and want to turn as you feel a rough hand grab your arm. “No way. You’re too much fun.” he says as he walks to you which makes you step back until your back is against the wall. You gulp as he comes closer and traps you with his arms. “Your new here.” he states. You nod yes afraid to say something. “Well it would be polite of you to introduce you to me.” You gulp again as he makes you look at him. “I’m (Y/N).” you say weakly. “(Y/N). Nice name. I’m James but I think you will hear a lot from me.” he winks as he let’s go of you and starts to walk away still facing you. “Walk to the end of the hallway then left and in the second door on the right you find your goal.” He turns around and leaves leaving you completely irritated.

After a few seconds you come back to earth and start to walk to the office. To your surprise he told you the right way. I’m James but I think you will hear a lot from me. What does that mean? And who does he think he is. Maybe the bad boy from school? Maybe a popular one? Or was it for fun like Come on let’s make fun of the new student.

As I got my schedule the bell rings signaling the lesson just started. “Don’t worry. They know you’re new. You won’t be in trouble for being late.” the secretary tells you. You smile thankfully towards her and start to walk to your class. You knock on the door before you walk in to be greeted by a friendly looking man. “You must be (Y/N). Am I correct?” he says as he shakes your hand. “Yes I am.” you smile. “Ok. I’m Ms. Smith. Look for a free seat and then we continue.” You nod your head and look around the room. You try to keep your smile as you start to walk to the only seat left which is in the back.

You let out a breath as you arrive there and start to listen to what your teacher explains. Everything seems normal until you feel someone picks your sides. Confused you look to your left to see a boy smirking at you. “So you’re (Y/N)” “Yes.” you answer uncertainly. “I’m Blake. James wants to see you at lunch.” he winks and turns back to pretend to listen what Mr. Smiths says. Shocked you turn your head again. This can’t be true. 30 minutes at a school and you found your- Well how do you want to call it. Bully? Problems with the bad boy or the popular one?

The class ended to soon for your liking because this means you would have lunch sooner for your liking. As everyone leaves the room Blake turns to you once again. “James said you should sit with us at lunch. Just come to our table.” he says simply. “But what if I don’t want to sit there.” you try to argue. “Believe me he will come for you personally.” You swallow hard and leave. You put your books into your locker and go to the cafeteria. Picking your food you look around. There was nothing special. Everyone sits with their friends and it was easily to recognise which are popular girls, nerds or normal ones. Your eyes land on the table from the popular boys and your eyes meet James one. Ok. Popular not bad boy. Could be worse right? But he’s a jerk. You think to yourself and decide to walk to him. A smirk forms on his lips as he notice you walk towards him. Before you could reach their table someone tabs you on the shoulder.

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