Love In A Elevator

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Love in an Elevator

Livin' it up when I'm goin' down

Love in an elevator

Lovin' it up till I hit the ground


When James stepped onto the elevator at Jive's offices, the first thing he noticed was the brunette, legs like heaven. Midnight locks. Wearing a short red skirt and cream silk blouse, open just enough to allow James a glimpse of firm, creamy flesh. Mmmm yes, she was fine. His hazel eyes racked over her curvaceous form slowly, a hunger building within his gaze.

The brunette winked saucily and leaned back against the wall of the elevator. She smiled openly at James, for there were just the two of them.

James stepped toward her, given encouragement by the wink, and smiling lazily. "Hello sweetheart," he purred as his hand rose to press against the wall of the elevator just over her right shoulder while he leaned toward her. Close enough that she could feel the warmth of his breath steal over her.

"Hello," she replied with a slightly southern accent. Her eyes sparkled brightly as she flashed another smile.

"What stroke of luck was this?" James asked himself as he moved a bit closer. His eyes dipping to get the full effect of her ample cleavage. "I've never seen you in this building before. Are you new?" His eyes devoured her as he spoke.

She merely nodded, shifting a bit too allow her blouse to fall open a little more, giving James an even better view.

James licked his lips. Oh, what he wouldn't give for just a taste of the succulent flesh swelling out of the black lace fringe of her bra. His left hand rose as if of it's own accord, lightly cupping the voluptuous flesh of her right breast, his thumb teasing till he felt the nipple harden under his attention. He smiled as it did.

Rewarded with a soft gasp followed by a tender coo of pleasure as the brunette seemed to melt under his touch. James turned slightly, removing his hand from her delectable flesh only long enough to hit the stop button. Halting the elevators decent. He turned back to her, seeing a reflection of his own desires within her soft eyes. His hands nimbly unbuttoned her blouse, taking his time. His eyes savoring every inch of her as he exposed her satin skin.

She protested not, nor did she move as he peeled off first her blouse and then her bra, exposing ripe full breasts with pert nipples. His mouth watered.

Hands fondled those sumptuous melons of flesh, kneading them in his palms as his mouth descended to her...capturing her velvet lips as he kissed her deeply, his tongue ravishing her sweet young mouth.

Drawing her tongue back into his mouth he suckled upon it even as his hand roamed down the taut plane of her belly, till it felt the warm flesh of her upper thigh...then traveled higher beneath the hem of her little red skirt, disappearing beneath the material as she began to squirm, her coos and whimpers increasing as he smiled into the kiss. The tips of his fingers teasing the damp spot on her panties between her lean thighs.

She moaned low in her throat as she wiggled against his fingers, her body aflame with the sensations he aroused within her. "Please." She whispered breaking the kiss, her lips a hairs breath from his, "Please," whispering again, in a pleading tone.

James didn't need to be begged, his dick was rock hard, straining against his pants as it pressed in against her flat belly. His own lust driving him to wrap an arm about her waist, hoisting her up against the wall of the elevator even as his other hand tugged her skirt up around her hips.

She wrapped those legs about his waist, grinding her sweet pussy against his throbbing dick, as it was now James's turn to moan.

He grabbed at the flimsy material of her panties and with a swift tug, ripped them away. He then hurriedly loosened his trousers to allow his pulsing dick to spring free. The head swollen, beads of precum oozing from the eye.

"Please," she begged him again just before her mouth recaptured his, kissing him deeply. Her mouth tasted faintly of peppermint, yet warm and alluring.

He thrust his hips forward and upward, sinking his thick dick deeply into tender hot folds amid the muffled moans pried from beneath their kisses. He pistoned his hips back and forth, alternately grinding up into her steamy center. It was pure heaven. She was so tight, so soft, engulfing his dick into her velvet sex. He rutted away, panting and moaning even as his mouth devoured hers greedily.

She clung to him, wiggling and undulating her slim hips. She then broke the kiss as she arched her back, her head thrown back as she cried out,"Oh, I'm going to cum!"

At these words James quickened the pace, fucked her mercilessly. He then felt the first contractions as her pussy clamped around his dick, milking at it. The sensation was too much too bear, he then let lose with a cry of his own and thick hot streams of sticky cum. Shooting deep inside her. The pace slowed...and then stopped.

He released her. Gently buttoning up her blouse before straightening himself and retrieving her panties with a soft laugh. He held them forth to her with a lopsided smirk and a wink.

She accepted them with a smile and tucked them into the bag beside her on the floor of the elevator.

James then turned and pressed the start button and the elevator resumed its downward descent. He turned to her once more and smiled.

The elevator doors opened just as James opened his mouth to speak. Several people stepped in, crowding between him and the brunette. The doors closed and James looked around a tall brunette determined to get the brunette phone number, only to find her gone. She must have stepped out as the others entered the elevator.

James thought about whenever he stepped onto the elevator, for he never forgot the wild ride with a brunette whose name he never knew.

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