Not So Innocent

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Your POV

I looked at the clock on the wall. Only ten minutes into the math lesson and I was already bored, wanting to escape this hellhole. I looked at James, who had his glasses on his nose, concentrating on what was written on the white board.

Even though he was the school nerd and everyone made fun of him, he was the guy that I thought of when I got myself off. I was the most popular girl in school, so I couldn't afford people knowing about my secret dirty pleasure.

I bit my lip as I rested my cheek in my palm, watching him. His cheekbones were amazing and I actually wondered what he was hiding under those large sweatshirts he was always wearing.

Once again, my mind wandered at all the dirty things I could do to him. I pulled the hem of my dress a bit more down, so he couldn't see that I was slowly starting to get wet.

I clenched my fingers around my pencil and bit down on my lower lip hard, trying to concentrate on the board.

I almost screamed when I felt someone's hand brush my leg.

My head snapped towards James, who was looking at me with the corner of his eyes.

I felt his hand wander from the outer side of my thigh to the inner side.

I licked my lips, trying to stop myself from moaning. Was this actually happening? Was James touching me?

His hand soon disappeared, but it was too late for me. I was turned on like hell. Damn the 35 minutes that were left of class. I couldn't last this long.

Next thing I knew, my hand shot up in the air. I chewed on my lip as I waited for the teacher to notice me. He did, and he nodded towards me, inviting me to say what I wanted.

"Can I please go to the bathroom?"


I groaned. "Because I have to pee."

What a stupid question.

"Go.", he said turning away from everyone, to write again.

I shot up immediately and almost fell over in my heels as I made my way to the bathroom. I pulled my dress up to my hips as I jumped on the sink, spreading my legs.

My hand went straight to my underwear, rubbing myself over the lace material. God.

I moaned and was about to dip my hands in my panties, when there was a knock on the door. I quickly jumped down the sink.

"'s open?", I said wondering who the hell would actually knock.

The door opened and my knees went weak when I saw James stand there.

"Uh...this is the girl's bathroom.", I stuttered pretending to fix my hair.

"I just wanted to see if you're okay...and to uhm, apologize for that thing in class...I uh. Yeah."

"Why did you do it?", I asked out of a sudden as he took a step inside.

"Close the door, I don't want people hearing us.", I added. He did as I asked him.

"I'm sorry about that, it's're wearing a short dress...", he trailed off and my eyes immediately trailed down to his crotch, to see a small bump.

"Have you ever thought about me before?", I asked seductively. I was getting more turned on by the second.

His eyes drifted to the floor, embarassed.

"That's okay...because I'm thinking about you too. All the time..."

He gulped and looked up at me. My hands played with the hem of his shirt as I looked him in the eye.

"Tell me James...", I whispered against his lips. "Do you want to fuck me in the bathroom?"

He gulped again and nodded. "Yes."

His voice was low, and I could tell he was turned on.

I licked my lips and pulled his sweatshirt over his head, to reveal his naked torso.

"Well damn.", I breathed. "You're not innocent, are you?"

He bit his lip and smirked, suddenly dropping the nerdy boy act. I was surprised and turned on at the same time. His eyes turned dark and I took off his glasses, setting them on the sink.

I licked my lips, before he took off my dress.

"You're so fucking hot...", he said and attached his lips to mine. I moaned into his mouth and my hands started trailing down his chest, feeling his hard chest under my palm.

I reached his belt buckle and he took a step back, to watch my hand.

I rubbed up and down his crotch, making him moan.

His hand went up my thigh and his fingers hooked around the clasp of my bra. He unclipped it and I looked at him surprised. It wasn't his first time doing that, clearly.

He pushed me into the counter and I jumped on it, hooking my legs around his waist, pulling him towards me. He grinded his crotch into mine and I moaned again.

I went straight for his belt, unbuckling it. He helped me pull his pants down, together with his boxers.

I licked my lips at the sight of his perfect penis. It looked so...soft, yet it was hard as a rock. My fingers wrapped around it and I started pumping him as he struggled to get my panties off. I lifted my bum to help him.

I spread his pre-cum around his tip and his hand went down to my clit. I moaned and pushed my hips to meet his palm. He pressed two fingers against my clit, making me moan harder.

He gripped his cock and stroked it a few times, before placing it at my entrance. We both knew there was no time and need for foreplay.

He slammed into me, making me scream his name. He gripped into my hips, pulling me as much as he could into him. He went faster and faster by the second, grunting dirty things in my ear.

"Do you know how hard it is to sit almost every day next to you in maths?"

I moaned, scratching his back with my long nails.

"You're wearing low-cut tops every day...showing off that cleavage of yours...I know you do it on purpose.", he breathed in my ear, biting my lobe.

I pulled his head down towards me, to kiss him. His hands gripped my boobs, massaging them, flicking his fingers over my hard nipples. How the fuck did he learn to do that?

His lips attached to my left nipple, making me throw my head back and let out yet another moan. He was so good, far from what I've expected...or imagined.

"You're so fucking good...", I managed to say as he kept pounding into me. He switched nipples, and after he bit down on it, his lips came to my ear.

"You underestimated me babe."

"I'm almost...", I breathed and he nodded. His large hand pushed me on my back and he came down over me, his chest brushing against mine. He went incredibly fast as I moaned over and over again, before I suddenly reached my high.

With no warning, he came too, inside me.

We panted, wearing out our orgasms. He pulled out of me and took a step back, pulling his boxers up. I sat up on the counter, before I jumped down to look for my underwear.

I managed to dress up right when the bell rung. James put his glasses on.

"Where did you learn...all this?"

"Do you seriously think you're the only cheerleader I fucked?"

And with that, he exited the bathroom, leaving me there with my jaw on the floor.

Well, damn.


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