First Comes, First Serve

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Sleeping, eating, working. That’s all what your life is about right know. Everyday you have to wake up at 5 and go straight to work only to come home late, totally stressed. The hardest part of it is that you didn’t even had time for your boyfriend James. He is already frustrated that you do not have time for him any more.

So you are more then happy to have the next few days off. You open your front door with a sigh and set your keys on the table next to the door. You kick of your heels and let yourself fall on the couch. You thought about what could be the best way to relax and come to the result to take a nice hot bath. Just as you want to walk to the bathroom to start your relaxing evening your phone rings. You look at the caller and see it is James. Of course you pick up and you are greeted by his smooth voice.

“Hey babe? How are you?” You sigh and close your eyes “I’m fine. I just came back from work.” You can’t see him but feel him tense because of the sound of his voice. “(Y/N)” he sighs, “you work too much. Whenever I call you you say you are still at work or are about to fall asleep. You have to relax sometimes.” he says with worry. You can’t help but smile to yourself that he cares so much about you. “I know James. That’s why I took the next days off.” you explain him.

“Well that’s great. Since you don’t have to work tomorrow we could do something tonight? Are you up to something?” James asks sweetly. “Sorry James. I wanted to relax tonight. I was about to make myself a bath.” you explain him. You hear him sigh. “Ok. I just really thought we could do something together but ok. Relax. I call you tomorrow?” “Thank you. See you.”

You hang up the phone and you go to the bathroom and fill the tub with water. You take your Ipod to let it play your favourite songs. Slowly you strip down your clothes and climb into the tub. You sigh as the warm water hit your skin. You notice how your eyes become heavy and you drift off to sleep.

Your eyes flatter open as you notice a hand on your arm. Slowly you recognise the boy with the brown hair and hazel eyes kneels next to the bath. “Hi you.” he smiles. “Hi” you whisper. “How long was I asleep?” you ask him. “I don’t know exactly but since the water is still hot I think only a few minutes. I had to see you so I come by and used my key.” he says.

His hand is still stroking your arm as it glides down to your thigh. Just now you notice that the arms of his button-down shirt are rolled up. “Would you like to join me?” you ask James. You see a smirk appears on his face. “You don’t have to ask twice.” he says as he stands up and starts to take of his shirt to reveal his abs you know very well. You can’t help but stare at it until James clears his throat. “Like what you see?” he smirks. You blush and look down.

James continues to strip down and climbs in the tube with you. He sits behind you and his arms are wrap around your body. Your head leans comfy on his chest and you hear his heartbeat. You stay like this a bit but then James starts to kiss your neck. You lean your head to the side to give him more space.

He kisses his way up and give your cheek a light kiss. You turn your head to look him in the eyes and see the well known look. You connect your lips with his and the sparks feel like your first kiss. His hand comes up and grabs your breast. Slowly he works it and starts to play with your harden nipple. You moan in his mouth and you feel him smile against your lips.

You pull apart and breath heavy against each other faces. You turn yourself around so you can sit on his lap. You lean again in to kiss him and your tongues fight for dominance. Your hand travels down his body along his abs and you grab his member and you notice that he is already half hard. You stroke him slowly and he starts to moan. You smile to yourself as you see his head tilts back.

“I think we should take this to somewhere else” you whisper seductively in his ear. He comes out of his trance and climbs out of the tub to pick you up in his arms. He carries you in your bedroom and throws you on the bed. Quickly he is on top of you and smashes his lips against yours.

Slowly the water of his hair drips on you but you don’t mind. Your hands come up to tuck at the ends of his hair as one of his plays again with your nipple and the other find his way to your folds. “Damn baby your so wet for me.” he moans against your mouth.

You gasp as he pushes two fingers in you. He kisses down your neck and sucks at one of your nipple. “How bad do you want it baby?” James voice echoes through the room. “Please James. I need it bad. Please I’m about to explore.” you beg. “But I thought you were to tired and wanted to relax.” he teases. “B-but I’m not any more. Shit baby. Please.” And finally his fingers leave your pussy and he pushes himself in without warning. You both let out a similar moan.

Slowly he starts to move his hips and with every thrust he speeds up. His hands stroke your leg and he brings it up to wrap it around his waist. With this new angel he hit your sweet spot hard. “Gosh baby. It was so long.” he moans as you only nod. You lean in and you share a rough kiss.

With your hand you grab his balls lightly and he groans. “Shit baby. I forgot how good you feel. I’m already close.” he admits. “I know baby me too” you answer as you feel him start to rub your clit. The knot in your stomach increase as you feel the start of your orgasm. You let your head fall back and you scream James’s name. Seconds later you feel James fills you up with a scream of your name.

You both come slowly down from your highs and he fells on your chest. “That was amazing babe.” he whispers in your ear. He rolls next to you and wrap his arms around your waist to pull you closer. “I know baby. I know.” you say. “Thank you for coming today James” you whisper.

“I always do.” he laughs in your ear. You smack his chest but laugh along. “I know what you meant. I missed you. It was the first time you worked more then me.” You nod and yawn. Slowly you feel your eyes close and you start to fall asleep but you still hear James says I love you.

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