A James Maslow's Christmas

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I looked out the frosted glass of the bay window, staring indifferently at the flecks of snow that were falling from the sky. I was in a melancholy, almost depressing mood. My knees were pulled up to my chest, my bare feet hidden beneath a collection of bunched-up throws and quilted pillows. My eyes were glazed over with the tears that I had let fall in a moment of weakness, before quickly shutting my eyelids and pulling myself together, willing myself to not cry on the night of Christmas.

Slowly and gently, someone kissed my shoulder; lips pressed against the exposed skin that my large knit sweater had slid off of.

"Baby, I’m sorry that we can’t be home for Christmas. If I had known we’d be snowed in, I wouldn’t have planned a weekend in the cabin" James says, his voice barely above a whisper.

Noticing the tinge of regret and sorrow in his voice, I turned around to face his hazel eyes.

I raised my hand to his face, gently cupping his chin. “Please don’t feel bad for trying to do something romantic for us. It’s not your fault that there’s a snow storm on the weekend of Christmas, okay?”

James studied my face, still not convinced that I was okay with the weekend’s turn of events. He scooted his body onto the window seat so that the two of us were sitting across from each other on the plush cushion. He took my hands in his and began rubbing back and forth, the friction between our skin slowly warming me up. For a few minutes, the two of us sat quietly. I resumed staring at the window, trying my best to ignore James’ worried eyes that gazed at me with concern. After a few moments have passed, I turned my face to meet James’ eyes, simultaneously intertwining my fingers with his.

"Baby, I think I’m just going to go to bed now," I held his gaze for a moment before giving his hands a tight squeeze and throwing my legs over the edge of the window seat. I didn’t want to ruin his night any further with my moping around. Getting out of his way was probably the best thing to do. After giving James a quick kiss, I left the living room and made my way to the bedroom. Standing at the foot of the bed, I let my hair drop from its messy bun, and shook my fingers through my tangled tresses. I was  pulling my sweater over my head when I felt myself being lifted up into the air. I felt my chest pressed against another’s, my legs instinctively wrapping themselves around James’ waist.

"James!" I squealed, throwing the sweater to the ground and meeting his eyes. "What are you-"

Giving me no time to finish my sentence, James leaned forward and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss began soft and innocent, not any different than the first kiss shared between two high school sweethearts. But with every second that passed, the kiss grew deeper and deeper; James’ tongue dragged across my bottom lip before plunging into my mouth, a breathless moan escaping me.

I pulled away, our lips parting in a soft smack. I leaned my head back, giving James full access to my neck, which he immediately attached his mouth too, sucking with a pressure that was bound to leave dark scarlet marks on my skin. He took slow steps towards the large dresser besides the bedroom door and settled me on the dark wood, his lips still on my neck.

"James," I whispered, my voice shaking with each staggered breath, "I was just about to go to sleep."

Completely ignoring me, he slid the velour pants off of my body in one easy motion, letting it drop to the floor beneath us.

He ran his right hand up my thigh, the sensation in my already-wet center growing more and more unbearable as he rubbed his way up. My eyes fluttered shut as his fingers began tracing small shapes through my thin cotton panties.

My breathing became shallower, my chest now rising and falling rapidly.

"Not right now," I panted through gritted teeth. The words struggled to leave my lips without the accompaniment of a low moan as he kissed his way down to my breasts, his fingers continuing to tease me.

"Not right now?" he mumbled against my trembling skin. I responded with a shake of my head, my teeth digging into my lower lip to hush the moans that were forming in the back of my throat.

Without forewarning, James slid his finger through the opening of my panties and glided into me. I let out a groan as he hit my g-spot in one smooth movement. Then, as swiftly as he entered, he glided his finger out, leaving nothing but the throbbing between my legs. My eyes snapped open to find James’ face close to mine, his breath hitting the side of my neck as he spoke in my ear.

"Then how about in 15 minutes" he suggested as he lifted himself off of me. My cheeks were flushed a deep shade of pink and my whole body felt extremely hot despite of the cold weather. I ran my hands through my hair and fixed my bra strap that had fallen off my shoulder at some point.

I looked at James who was now standing at the door, looking quite calm and smug compared to me, who remained sitting at the top of the dresser, my heart still racing from what had taken place mere seconds ago.

"Give me a few minutes to set things up and meet me in the backyard," he told me.

"What are you-", you began to ask, but he quickly cut you off.

"I brought you something to wear also. It should be in the top drawer of the dresser that you’re sitting on."

I bent over and slid the drawer open. Sitting at the top of a pile of James’ nearly folded shirts was a small black bikini. This couldn’t be what he was talking about. I whipped it out of the drawer, shooting James a questioning look.

"You’re kidding me. There’s a snow storm outside and you want me to-"

"Babe, just trust me okay? Meet me in 15 minutes." And with that, he walked out of the door.

I eyed the string bikini in my hands, allowing my mind to wander off as I considered it. His hands feeling me in the right places, his lips moving with mine, the feeling of his body as I slid my hands up his shirt.

What the hell, I thought. I wasn’t going to let him turn me on to leave me hanging.


I walked outside to the back patio, a large robe draped about my body. The floor was ice cold underneath my feet and it continued to snow, although less heavy than before.

My eyes found James, sitting in a hot tub that I didn’t even know existed. The steam drifted around his upper body like smoke, rising from the bubbling water and disappearing into the midnight sky.

He noticed me walk out onto the patio and smiled. Slowly, I let the robe fall in bunches around my feet. Eager to stop the cold air from nipping my exposed body, I stepped into the steaming water. The heat enveloped my body as I eased myself in next to James. His hands instantly found my waist, pulling me close to his body. I rested my head on his shoulder and for a few minutes, we sat in silence, watching the flecks of snow fall into the water, dissolving instantaneously with a quiet fizzle. His arm stretched around the back of my neck, his hand rubbing my shoulder to keep it warm from the ice cold air. It was peaceful in the backyard, save for the distant sound of a large amount of snow sliding off of tree in a quiet thump.
"Baby, this is really nice," I cooed, allowing my eyelids to shut in relaxation.
"I’m glad that you’re enjoying it," he said, before placing a kiss on my forehead. His hands moved to waist as he sat me on top of him so that I was straddling his lap. "It hurt me to see you so down earlier."
I moved my hands down his chest as I spoke quietly. “I was really looking forward to seeing my family today, especially since we’ve been on the road so much lately. It’s difficult.” I brought my hands back up, wrapping my arms behind his neck. “But if I had to be snowed in with anyone, I’m glad that it was with you.” I leaned forward and smiled against his mouth before capturing his lips in mine. We kissed for what seemed like an eternity before a thought caused me to pull away.
"There is one more thing that you can do for me, though. One more present…" I told him, trailing my pointer finger down his body, and stopping at his shorts, tugging at the waistband.
"And what is that?" he asked, although his hands instinctively reached to the knot at the back of my bikini top, anticipating exactly what it was that I wanted.
"How about we repeat what just happened in the cabin, but this time, let’s finish what we started…"

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