Birthday Sex

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"I just dont know what to get him, what do you get a, man who has everything?"
You're on the phone with james' mom, it's his birthday and you just couldn't decide what to get him.
"Well I dont know hunny, you probably know him better now than I do. Just surprise him, give him something he'd never expect"
You hang up, thanking her and adding that you'll see her tonight at james' birthday dinner. Your mind starts to wonder, what's something you could give him he'd never expect. Then it hits you, there's one thing James has been begging for practically since you started dating. James is spending the morning working out at the gym, like always. Then going out for lunch with the guys, they invited you to come along but you thought it best if you just let them have there guy time. Reminding them not to get your boyfriend drunk since you still had dinner with his parents tonight.
You took this opportunity to do some shopping. You bought a little black dress, its perfectly proper for dinner with his family but still sexy enough for what you had planed. You also bought a sexy black bra and matching panties that are practically see through. Now that you have what you were going to wear out of the way, you spent the rest of the day relaxing before James got home.
Six O'clock rolled around and it was time to head out to James' favorite restaurant. Hes wearing a nice black and white suit, tie and everything. James is one of those rare men that can dress down or dress up and still look sexy no matter what and the way he looks in a suit as always been a big turn on. You make your way into the restaurant to see his families already there. You exchange hellos, hugging his parents and receiving compliments from his sister before siting down. You order and make small talk as you wait for your food. You make it'll all the way through till dessert and that's when your plan sets in. Well James is enjoying his favorite dessert and listening to his dad talk about work you place your hand on his knee and giving it a tight squeeze before working your way up his leg, slowly. James turns to you giving you his quit it face and turning his attention back to his dessert, but you aren't giving up that easily.
You keep moving your fingers slowly against the thin fabric of his pants till you can feel the out line of his cock. With out warning you take him in your hand, the feeling of fabric rubbing against him making him let out a small squeak and you have to hold back from laughing.
"Are you ok baby?"
You ask, removing your hand and patting him on the back, trying to cover up the smile that wants to make its way on to your face. James is giving you the evil eye.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just must have bit off more than I can choo."
You can hear the sound of warning in his words and you know if you keep this up you'll be punished later, and that's exactly what you want. Taking your napkin and placing it over your hand under table cloth you slowly pull down the zipper on James' pants, luckily theres enough talking and noise no one can hear or notices what your doing. Taking your hand you slowly work it into the now open gap in his dress pants and through the hole of his boxers, wrapping your hand around him. James lets out a cough, almost choking on his dessert. You lean toward him, your voice low and seductive.
"Slow down baby or you're gonna choke." J
ames turns his head so his mouth is next to your ear and only you can hear him.
"If you don't stop, I'm going to choke you?"
"Is that a promise?"
The look on james face is priceless, you know how much he loves to play rough in the bedroom and having you pretty much asking for it is a huge turn on. You can feel him start to harden under your grasp. Slowly you work your hand back and forth, making him hardin completely. You leave your hand resting there on his member, rubbing your thumb across the tip. James' hands taking a death grip on his fork and the table cloth. You continue your little game of teasing him, working your hand back and forth every so often, until the check comes. You release your grip, letting james readjust himself and telling his member soften back down before leaving.
You say your goodbyes before getting in the car. The drive home is silent, neither of you say a word. You had tried to continue your teasing game in the car, but every time you did James would swat your hand away ruining your plan. When you get home, James takes off storming inside, leaving you to follow behind him.
"What were you thinking?"
James asks, the sound of anger in his voice.
"In a restaurant, in front of people, hell in front of my parents?"
This wasn't exactly going the way you had planed.
"James, I'm sorry, I just..."
You aren't sure what to say, you had hoped he's liked the idea of getting jerked off in a pubic place. You stand in the living room, your head hanging down in shame, but suddenly James is in front of you, taking your ass in his hands and lifting you up so your legs wrap around his waist. Kissing you forcefully and you know you're not in trouble and that your plan had worked.
James caries you to the bedroom, throwing you down on the bed your back to him and he unzips your dress, pulling it down and off your body. Before James can do anything else you turn over, pushing him down into the mattress. You pull off his dress jacket and practically rip off his shirt and then his pants, leaving him in just a tie. Kissing down his defined abs that he's worked so hard to keep perfect. You can hear his breath quicken as you get closer to the one area he's wanted you to go for over a year now. His chest and stomach slowly moving up and down under your lips and hands. His eyes go wide with surprise as your face stops directly in front of his already harding member and you take it into your hands, making him hardin complete.
To say you're nerves would be an understatement. You had never given anyone a blow job before and the thought of it both terrified and excited you. James knows what a big deal doing this is for you and hes in no way going to rush it. He leans his head back against the pillow his hands behind his head. You take one last look up at him before leaning down and planting a light kiss to the side of his cock sending a sudden shiver through his body. You then take your tongue slowly running it from the base of his shaft up to the tip and James lets out a soft moan. You stop, not knowing if you're doing it right and James opens his eyes looking down at you.
"You're doing great baby, just keep doing what you're doing"
You lean back down, licking the underneath of the head and hitting that sensitive spot making James moan out again. Now that you've gotten use to the feeling of his cock on your tongue you widen your lips taking all of him into your mouth causing his hips to thrust up and you place your hands on them to keep him in his place. You continue working your mouth up and down taking all of him in till he's hitting the back of your throat. You work your tongue at the same time, licking at the sensitive stop under the head and running it across the opening of his tip. You can taste the precum on your tongue and James reaches down asking for permission to grab ahold of your hair. You node yes and hum your answer aground him finally sending him into his release as his hands pull on your hair and his hips thrust up working him through his orgasm and you swallow everything he has to offer.
You pull off of him, climbing up his body and planting a wet, sloppy, heated kiss on his lips, letting him taste himself on your tongue. His hands still tangled in your hair you straddle your legs on his hips working back and forth to build him back up. Which he does rather quickly. The feeling of him hard underneath you, his hands pulling on your hair and his tongue massaging your causing you to moan into his mouth. You reach your arms around your back, unclasping your bra, pulling it off and letting your breast rest against his chest. His hands move from your hair down your back and to your panties, placing his hands underneath the fabric on your ass and pulling them down removing the lace from your body. You position your self above his cock, your hands on his shoulders and his on your hips, slowly lowering you down on to his length, stretching and filling you completely. You both let out moans at the feeling. Using his shoulders for support, you work your hips back and forth on him as he thrust up into you. The look on his face and the sound of his heavy breathing mixed with moans and your name followed by I love you is enough to send you over the edge and into your first climax soon followed by another and another. The feeling of you repeatedly tightening and vibrating around him sends James into his second orgasm of the night. He continues thrusting up into you harder working through his release, spilling everything he has into you. The feeling of him pulsating inside you sends you into one final release. You pull off of him, slumping back into the mattress.
"Happy bday baby"
Thanks, this really was the best present I could ever wish for. But why now? After all this time?"
"Well what else do you get the man who has everything?"
"True, having you I have the world."
You smile against his chest, letting your mind and body rest before round two.

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