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“Thank you, thank you so much”
You yell out to the crowd, walking off the stage to the back area, bowing and blowing kisses as you did, your band following close behind. Tonight was the first night of your US headlining tour, the crowed was huge and only made you wonder how much crazier the rest of the tour would be. Your thoughts were broken as your bodyguard toke his place next to you. His name’s James and he’s gorgeous, tall, tan, and of course muscular, and totally out of bounds. Not that you couldnt get him if you wanted to, and boy did you want to, but his job was to protect you throughout this tour and he was taking it very seriously. You were walking side by side back to your dressing room, as soon as you got inside you went to shut your door, but James stopped you.  Looking up at him with a confused look, you asked what he was doing.
“Sorry mama but I have to check your dressing room also, to make sure not fans snuck back here to wait for you.” He answered; stepping though the door to take a look around. Your fitting room was quit big so there was a lot to look through.
“Fine but while you check the closet, I’m getting out of this ridicules costume”
You where sure no one was in there, they had security all over the place and it also gave you a chance to mess with James a little.
“Ok all clear, oh god sorry”
James turned around covering his eyes. You were down to practically nothing, just your underwear and bra, which you were working on taking off. Pretending like it was an accident; you grab a nearby shirt holding it up to yourself.
“Oh sorry, I thought you had left, how embarrassing”
You walk out of the main area you were in into the closet to get dressed. Hearing the door close, you peek out making sure he was gone. Getting dressed you started to giggle to yourself, the look of shock and embarrassment on his face flashing back into your mind. This tour was going to be fun.
The “accidental” peek happened a few more time throughout the beginning of the tour, until one day when you made your way into your dressing room, as you started pulling your shirt over your head James stopped you.
“Mama, I take my job very seriously and having you do this accidental peek show every night is well, a little distracting and unprofessional and I’d be a lot more comfortable if you stopped or I’m going to have to quit”
A look of shock and anger came over your face, but quickly faded when you realized he was right. You knew it would never go anywhere between you two and you couldn’t keep torturing him and yourself like this.
“James you are right and I’m sorry, could we please start over?”
You apologize, looking up at him from your spot on the couch with puppy eyes.
“Yes, I’d like that very much”
He extends out his hand for you to shake and you did.
You kept your promise to remain professional, but the tension was still there at least for you. Every time he stood next you, arms rubbing one other as you walked sent a shiver down your spine. The worse for you was whenever you where is confined spaces alone, like your limo or even the space of your dressing rooms back stage. You just wanted to pull him toward you in a hot and heated kiss, running your hands up in abs and your nails down his back. You fantasized a lot about him and you where sure on some nights, alone in your bunk, he heard you but you didn’t care it actually kind of made the whole thing that much hotter.
The tour was going great and you hadn’t had any crazy fan incidents till one night, it was the one tour date you were actually looking forward to the most. It was in the city that you now considered home and you were actually going to get to sleep in your bed, a real bed for one night. James had been a few minutes late meeting you back stage. You weren’t sure where he was but you couldn’t wait any longer, you needed to get out of this tight as sin outfit before you fainted from the lake of air reaching your lungs. You walked into your fitting room; all seemed normal till someone came out of the closet. You didn’t recognize the man, but he had on a back stage pass so you weren’t too worried, at first.
“Um, can I help you?’ You asked, a little confused.
“Yeah you can”
The strange man made his way over to you, standing way to close for your comfort.
“I’m your biggest fan”
“Oh well that’s nice, but um you aren’t suppose to be in here”
You replied, trying to pull the door open, but your hands had become sweaty making it impossible for you to get a good grip. The man stepped closer to you, his body up against yours.
“Please, don’t hurt me, I’ll give you anything you want. Please”
Tears started forming in your eyes, as you pleaded with stranger.
“I just want you”
He answered, grabbing you by the hand and harshly pulling you on to the couch, climbing on top of you. You managed to let out a loud scream for James before the stranger put his hand over your mouth. Luckily James was almost to your door when he heard you, barging in he pulled the strange man off of you before he had gotten anywhere with his plans. Slamming the stranger up against the wall and hand cuffing him, he turned him back around to escort him out, but before he did he took his right fit, slamming it into the man’s jaw.
“James” James turned around to look at you. “Please, don’t leave me”
You couldn’t be alone, definitely not now and honestly James was the only person you wanted to be there with you.
“I’m going to take this piece of shit out of here, and I’ll be right back in, I promise I won’t even leave the door way.” His voice was soft and gentle, very different from his normal professional stern voice.
He did as he promised, standing in the door way, one hand on the handcuffs and one on the man’s face so he couldn’t turn to look at you. Soon three police officers showed up, two took the man away as the other one stood outside your dressing room with James. You zoned out when you realized James was telling the officer what was going on.  You felt James glace over at you a few times, then his stair stayed on you, regaining your focus as you heard the officer ask if he could talk to you. James was about to object, but you interjected to tell him it was ok.
“Hi I’m Officer Schmidt.”  He introduced himself, taking a spot next to you.
“Would you like to sit somewhere else?” James asked, realizing you where still on the couch.
“No, I- I’m fine, just sit next to me” You slap the stop on the other side of you with your hand.
“Now James here has told me what he saw, but to get the whole story I’m going to need to hear what happened before he got here.”
You replayed the situation over for the officer, tears filling up in your eyes and you felt a hand on your back, lightly patting you. You knew it was James and all though you were very surprised and still in shock from the whole event, a small smile formed on your lips. One that only you could tell was there. As soon as you finished the story, Officer Schmidt got up, James following him to the door. They exchanged a few words, shaking hands and before he left, Schmidt turned to you.
“You’re very lucky you have this man right here.”
“Yeah I am” You smile up at James, motioning for him to come sit back down next to you.
He did so, wrapping you in his arms and pulling you close as tears began to spill down your cheeks once again.
“Let’s get you out of here”
James pulled away, taking your hand in his but as you tried to get up your legs gave out from underneath you and you fell back to the couch.
“Come here”
James kneeled down, putting one arm under your legs as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Lifting you up off the couch, he carried you out the venue and to your limo. Putting you down, you leaned up again the limo, one hand still in his as he double checked even though there was extra security on both side. Opening the door and escorting you in climbing in next to you. You leaned back up against him; your legs spread crossed his lap and your head on his chest. You stayed quiet the whole ride back to your place, neither of you saying a world, James just held onto your week body as you curled yourself more into his lap till you where practically a ball. When you arrived back at your place, he cared you again much like he had before. The amount of strength he has was amazing.
“I’m going to stay here tonight, you can go ahead and go” James leaned into the window, talking to the driver.
Normally you would object, but right now you needed him. There was already security at your place, waiting for you two. Man, where they protective.
“I called them out here myself, no taking any second changes”
James spoke, almost as if he was reading your mind. You smiled up at him from your place in his arms. When you got inside the extra security took a quick check through your apartment, luckily it was fairly small. You weren’t big on spending money if you didn’t have to. You where now sitting on your living room couch, James right by your side. Waiting for the security to finish so you could go to bed. As soon as you got the ok, you began walking toward your bed room.
“Come with me” You spoke softly, turning around to look at James.
He was about to protest, but when he saw the sadness and need in your eyes, he followed you.  You just wanted to get out of your clothes and to bed as soon as possible and try to forget this whole thing. But when you entered your room, you plopped down on your bed, staring straight forward unable to move. James stood in front of you, looking down into your eyes, a worried expression on his face.
“I can’t breathe” you gasped out, the outfit you were wearing tight on your ribs.  “Help me”
It was all you were able to get out.
“Are, are you sure. Maybe there’s someone I can call” James stuttered, unsure of what to do.
“No, you”
He decided it was best not to argue, getting down on his knees in front of you and slowly unbuckled the clasps of your top shirt. Letting it fall to the floor. He slowly slipped his hands under your second shirt, pulling it off over your head. His warm hands felt amazing against your cold body and you could feel your mood changing slightly as you lay back on bed. Sitting up a little higher, he carefully unbuttoned your jeans pulling them down your legs to the floor. You heard a small gasp escape his lips at the sight of you. Sitting back up so you were now facing him, you placed your hands on his shoulders pulling his shirt off.  He pulled back as his shirt fell to the floor.
“I don’t think we should, um I mean, this is a bad idea”
You stood up, on your own for the first time in what felt like forever. Walking over to him, you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him in closer till his lips were a few inches away from yours and you whispered “Kiss me”.
He did as you demanded and the contact sent a wave of electricity through your body like you’ve never felt before, you both pulled back exchanging a gasp of wow. You knew the chemistry between you was strong, but you never knew it could be THAT strong. Walking you back toward the bed, his arms around you he leaned you back, climbing on top of you gently. Keeping your arms around his neck you pulled him down closer to you, his body completely touching yours. He slowly ran his hands up your back, stopping at your bra to unclasp it, and throwing it on the floor.  His touch was gentle as his hands made their way down your stomach to your panties, pulling them slowly down your legs. You watched as his eyes looked you up and down in amazement, you were more beautiful than he had imagined. He stood up, taking off his pants and boxers in one swift motion before climbing back on top of you. Taking your head in between his hands and kissing you gently. The slow pace was nice, but you needed more. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders pulling him completely down on to you just like before.
“I’m not made of glass, I won’t break”
You whispered in his ear, reassuring him he didn’t have to be so light in his touch. Taking you be your word, he kissed once again, this time a lot harder. Running his tongue on your bottom lip, requesting access and you gave it to him, parting your lips. His hands snaked their way down your neck, one stopping at your right breast cupping and massaging it, earning a light moan from you. His other hand continued to make its way down your body to your center. Not taking any time teasing you he slipping one, then two fingers inside you and flicking your clit with his thumb at the same time, earning another, much loader moan of his name. The sound sent a shiver down his spine and he needed to hear it again. Placing himself on his forearms on either side of your head, his legs between yours, he kissed you as he pushed himself into you, hard and to the hilt. He was huge, filling and stretching you to your max, a scream in the form of his name escaped you lips. He stayed still for a moment, letting you adjust before you gave him the ok to move. He took it slowly at first, making sure not to hurt you. But soon you both needed more, and you wrapped your legs around his hips, pushing him in farther.
“Rr-remember, i-im not going tt-to brrreak”
You stuttered, trying to convince him it was ok to be rougher. It worked, he slide almost all the way out and slamming back in. Speeding up his pace, with your legs still wrapped around him, he hit that spot inside you every time. Earning multiple moans of his name, mixed with profanities. It didnt take long before you both were reaching your peak and with one last call of each other’s names, filling the air you where both gone. Your orgasms hitting you simultaneously, rocking your hips into one other as you rode it out. Your bodies slumped down into the mattress and you stayed like that just long enough to catch your breath. Slowly pulling out of you and laying down by your side, James wrapped his arms around you pulling you into him and lightly kissing you. You stayed like that for a moment, just lying in his arms before you decided to speak.
“So much for keeping it professional” You joked looking up into his hazel eyes.
He let out a small laugh, brushing the hair out of your face.
“But with all honesty, thank you”
“It was my pleasure mama”
“Please, call me by my name. And I don’t mean just for this, I mean for everything. For being there for me and for staying”
“Don’t thank me; if I had really been there doing my job that fucking creep wouldn’t have even gotten near you.”
You could see the look of discussed and disappointment on his face.
“Don’t blame yourself, I shouldn’t have gone in there without you, I was being impatient and if you hadn’t showed up when you did, I don’t know what could have happened. So really thank you.”
Deciding it was best not to argue with you, James leaned down kissing the top of your head and soon you feel asleep in the safety of his arms.

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now