Hold On Until May

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I looked up at her, sitting in that same tree once more. She sits up high surrounded by the sun, the glowing light making her look so beautiful.
"Come down"
I yell up to her, finally getting her attention.
"Now don’t be crazy, of course you can’t sit here"
The sun went down we ended up on the ground. 
"What are you doing here"
She speaks, sounding surprised I’d show up. Not that she should be, I always do.
"What do you think I’m doing here? I’m here for you, like I always am."
I smile pulling her into my arms and kissing the top of her head. She wiggles under my grasp, but even though she’s playing like she hates it I know its the one thing she really needs. I look down to see the bracelets covering her arms and I know why they’re there. Why wont she tell me? She’s my best friend, she can talk to me about anything. We walk into her house, her parents not home like always. Probably out getting drunk and fighting, totally forgetting they have a teenage daughter at home to take care of. We walk into her room, like we’ve done a million times. Taking a seat on her bed like always as she makes her way to the bathroom down the hall. Usually I’d leave her alone to do what she thinks I don’t know she’s doing, but not tonight, tonight it ends. I get up from my spot and stand in her bathroom door way, her razor in hand like always.
"If I were you, I’d put that away."
I startle her and she jumps, dropping the razor to the floor.
She’s has mixed look of shock, embarrassment, and what I’m sure is hatred for herself at both being caught and from having not told me. I walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her, pulling her into my chest and I can hear her start to cry.
"You’re just wasting, thinking about the past again. Darling you’ll be okay"
She pulls back and I can tell she’s angry. I know its not directly at me, it’s at herself and at her life.
 ”If you were me, you’d do the same. I can’t take anymore. I’ll tear the shades and close the door, because everything’s not alright and I would rather…”
I cut her off, my lips on hers, not wanting to hear that last word. She pulls away instantly and I can’t help but let a small frown come across my face, but I push it away. This is not about me, it’s about her. She doesn’t do any thing else, doesn’t move, just stands there staring up at me, those beautiful eyes looking through me and breaking my heart like they do every day. I take her hand in mine pulling her back toward the bed and she surprisingly goes along with me. We sit down in the middle of the bed, I take her arm pulling off the layers of bracelets and raise it up to my mouth, lightly kissing her scars as not to hurt her from the newer cuts that she must have made this morning. She winces a little, not because it hurts but more out of surprise.
"We’ve all been there sometimes, but tonight I’ll make you feel beautiful once again."
I tell her, looking into her eyes before I kiss her. I lean her back against the bed, one arm wrapped around her waist and my other hand caressing her face. I pull back from the kiss, just enough to pull her shirt up over her head and I see more scars on her upper arms and I lean down planting kisses to them as well. I place my hands on her hips, pushing her jeans down her legs kissing the few scars she has on them and it brings tears to my eyes. I knew it was bad, but I never knew it was this bad. She places her hands on my face, bringing me back up to look at her and she’s started to cry too, but she kisses me any ways. Her hands shaking, she pulls my shirt up over my head. She stumbles to undo the button on my pants, I stand up doing the job for her, a long with my briefs. I lay back down, placed between her legs. I move my hands slowly down her back till they are on her butt and pull down her panties, the only piece of clothing left between us as she kisses me. I can feel the need and want in it, not just a physical need, but an emotional one. She needs me to make her feel OK, even if just for one night. She needs to feel loved, and I do, oh god how I love her.
"I love you"
I state and at first from the look on her face I think I’ve made a mistake in telling her this, but then she replies telling me she loves me too.
"Show me James, make love to me"
Those words, the words I’ve been waiting to hear for years are the most beautiful thing in the world and I do as she request.
Laying her back against the bed again, her head on the pillows. I kiss her as I slowly push into her and she feels amazing. So hot and tight around me. I know this is her first time and so I stay still, letting her adjust to me before she gives me the OK to move.  I keep my pace slow as I rock my hips against her, she’s bent a little at the knees and I know I hit that spot inside her when her hips move up to meet mine. My hands on her hips, I hold her body up against mine, as your hips continue to push together. Our lips hovering over each others as we both let out deep, breathless moans. My name sounds so good coming off her lips and it’s almost my undoing.
"More James please."
I do as she says, picking up the pace for the last few thrust I have left before I know I’m going to feel my release. I let her know I’m getting close and she assures me she is too. With one last hard thrust from both our hips, we’re sent over the edge simultaneously, calling out each others names. I pull out slowly, slumping back against the bed and taking her into my arms. Telling her I love her again, just so she knows its real. I look at her and can see a few tears falling down her cheeks, but I know it’s not from pain or sadness, but the slight smile on her face shows that in this moment she’s truly happy.
*Flash forward*
After that night, she started seeing a therapist and a few month later after graduation, we moved to LA together. It’s been 3 years since that night, and 2 and a half since the last time she cut. That night changed a lot, for both of us. I got the girl I’ve been waiting for for years, and saved her in the process.

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