Summer Rain

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The rain began to fall down on a wonderful summer afternoon. As I look out the window watching the water pelt down from the heavens, I felt my lover's arms wrapped around my torso. “I love the rain, don't you?” he asks me whilst kissing my neck softly. “Yes, I do,” I respond back to him. He turns me around, and looks into my eyes with his own filled with clear and distinct lust.

“Can we...?” As much as I wanted to look at him, and submit to his desires, I was not in the mood for sex play. In fact, I had a long day at work, and making love to my boyfriend was the last thing on my mind. “Jamie, I'm sorry...I'm really not for it right now. Maybe tomorrow?” he simply nods, trying to hide his disappointment. “Ok, tomorrow...” he got up, and walked to the direction of the kitchen. I look down, feeling almost guilty, but why should I when I'm not in the mood? I lie down on the couch, and over my eyes with my forearm. “What a day...” I whisper to myself and close my eyes.

Two minutes passes by, and I didn't even drift to slumberland. I just realized that I didn't close the gate when I came home earlier, and sadly enough it was still raining outside. I was too tired to do it because going inside, and I might as well do it now. I spring up, and try to look for an umbrella: no such luck.

My raincoat was all the way upstairs, and I'm too lazy to even tread up the steps. Truthfully; I really need to get out more. I walk towards the front door, and see the dark clouds, and the whole world hosed down with God's tears. I sigh, not wanting to go out, but I had no other choice to make; I open the door and step out. I couldn't run out because the tiled cobblestone pathways were, of course, slippery.

I finally make it to the gate, and pull the lock from my pocket, hooking it to the door. “There. Now, I can get the hell out of here...” As I turn around to go back into the house, I see James  standing there before me...wet from head to toe. “J...James ...? What are you doing out here?” he walks closer to me, and reaches out to hold my hips. “I should ask you the same question, babe...decided to go for a walk, I see?” “It's not like that. I forgot to lock the gate before going in, and...” “A likely story, Jay ...” I hang my head down, and smooth my hair back.

“You don't have to believe me, James . I'm going back inside.” I walk past him, and as I walked back in, I secretly look over at his wet body. God help me, he looked so GOOD when he's wet. Hell, he looks good period. He turned around, and looked at me. Damnit, I'm caught. “You'd better get back inside, too. It's raining cats and dogs out here...” “I'm not planning on going inside anytime soon,” he says as he approached me. “And you're not going inside yet, either...right...?” “What are you talking about?” “You know...” he pushes up on me, rubbing his warm, wet body against mine.

”EXACTLY what I'm talkin' about, baby...I saw how you were looking at me...looking as if you wanted to tear my clothes off, and fuck you want to fuck me, Jayne ?” I just stand there in front of him, dumbfounded at his question. “You mean...out here?” “Out here...” How the hell could I resist THAT offer? We've made love in various rooms of the house, but never outside in the front the rain.

“Well...? How about it?” I pull him to me, and lay a searing, wet kiss upon his full lips. He ran his hands down my sides sensuously, then switched positions towards my buttocks, gripping a hold at them.

That caused me to let out a moan through the wicked kiss, and it made him smile against it. We pulled away breathlessly, and we walked out towards the wet grassy knoll that is our backyard. “I don't want anyone looking at us...” he says. “I want our little rendezvous to be discreet, ya know?”

How could I disagree? I took his hand, and led him around the house to the backyard. As we walked on the wet grass, we took our clothes off. I watched him take his shirt off, his body glistening with the rainwater. I look down, and I could visibly see his bulge trying to escape the tight confines of his jeans.

He finally got them off, and he stood before me, drenched and hard. “Come to me.” he ordered, and I obeyed, nearly swaying over his way. “That's it...slowly.” he was killing me with both his erection, and him speaking to me in a deep, alluring baritone. We're standing face to face bathed in nakedness; our eyes both clouded with lust and longing. I didn't know what came over me when I actually rejected his offer earlier. The only thing that mattered at this point, was James, making love to me in the sweet, summer rain.

“Lie down.” and I obeyed. I placed my wet and awaiting body on the grass, and looked up at his face completely flushed. “You look so fuckin' good wet, baby...” he said to me low and throaty. The distinct boom of his voice alone did me in. He doesn't have to do anything to turn me on, actually, and I didn't care if he tried: I wanted him to fill me up with his luxurious cock. I look on as he stands a few feet away from me, stroking himself. He does NOT know what he's doing to me right now; getting me all riled up like this...

“I have an idea...” he whispers to me, now that he's finally laying next to me. He lies on his back, looking over to me. “Sit on me...” “Alright...” I move over, and straddle him, looking into his blue velvet eyes. “No. I mean 'sit' on me. I want to partake of your warmth...may I?” YES! I moan at his lustful plea, and switch my position to where I have my lower extremities looking him in the face.

James  pulled my lower half roughly down, and extended his tongue upon my flesh. With both hands, I gripped onto his legs, rocking against his pivotal tongue lashes. A groan passes through my clenched teeth as he fucks me with his warm, inviting mouth. “Suck me off...” I hear him say, completely lost in his own emotions. Whimpering and with my lip trapped between my teeth, I lean my head down to his twitching cock, and lick his head like a lollypop. His grip on my hips began to tighten, and his tongue thrusts grew faster.

That urged me to keep going, and I did as such, wrapping my mouth around his erect flesh. At first contact, I can feel it twitch against the wall of my mouth, and hear him groan as a reaction. I start to deepthroat him, which caused him to cry out again. “Th...that's it, baby...SHIT...” As we “69'd”, our emotions and white hot passions get the best of us; we each went faster, trying so desperately to get off. We almost succeeded, but we stopped; my pussy walls twitching ever so fast, and his cock doing the same. We were at the edge, but he didn't want to lose control that way.

“Ohh...fuck...bend over...” he said to be breathlessly, and I did as told. I bent over towards him, and he responded by grabbing my hips again, plowing into my eager pussy from behind. In a wonton frenzy, he dives into my depths faster, groaning like an animal with each pulsating thrust. “oh, yes! Fuck me...”

I hang my head down low, intaking his devout torture. “I am, baby...I a---fuck...” He threw his head back as his face contorted, knowing that he's close. I contracted around him hard, making him shout out swear words. I gotta tell ya, if that didn't make me lose it, his punishment sure as hell did. He was whispering naughty statements in my ear, which in turn made me contract again.

“Ohhhhh...I'm cummin'...” I hear him say lost in his own emotions again. “I'm so fuckin' close, baby....don't st--” as I pushed back against his abdomen, I explode my warm juices around him, letting out a long, soft growl. As he kept going in and out of me, I let go again; a bit more intense than the last. “OHHHH....!!!” James's moans began to escalate, for the combination of my strong releasing and the feel of me around him took him over the edge. Screaming, he ejected his hot, sticky cum deep inside my depths...he kept thrusting into me until he finally grew soft inside me.

The rain soon stopped, and the sun came out; its warm rays shining down on us. “That was amazing, Jamie...” “As were you, Jayne...” he covers his eyes with his arm, and takes a deep breath. “So, what's the forecast for tomorrow?” I ask. “69 with strong storms, I hear...”

“Great. I can't wait.”

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