Morning Baby

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"Morning baby ." you said as you walked in James' room. He groaned as he stretched his limbs, much like a cat, and smiled at you. He moved to one side of the bed and patted the spot next to him, holding up the sheets as an invite so you could cuddle together.

"Sleep well?" you asked, getting in his bed. He just nodded and brought you closer to him, laid his head on your chest, closed his eyes and enjoyed your steady heart beat. You smiled as you looked at him. He never liked talking in the morning, just 'snuggle and cuddle' as he called it.

You settled in and started stroking his hair. You felt him stiff for a couple of seconds but he settled down again enjoying the treatment you are giving him, soft, gentle, delicate strokes, as if you are touching some ancient artefact that might break at any larger force you put on it. After a few minutes you could almost hear him purr, you giggle at how cute he is.

Suddenly you misplace your finger, resulting in accidentally tugging at a lock of hair. James made a noise and opened his eyes in a flash. You freeze beside him, the first thought that goes through your mind was that you hurt him or that he was mad at you but after you heard the noise James made you realize it was more of a pleasured one.

You turn your eyes to his and as your eyes meet, his look back down and you can clearly see that he's blushing. After a few seconds of hesitation you decide to try and tug at a lock of his hair again, this time you get a gasp from him as he closes his eyes shut. You tug harder out of curiosity.

"Stop." He managed to whisper.

"Don't you like it?" you said as you tugged again earning you a soft 'ah' noise from him. "Sounds like you do."

He shakes his head no so you brush your fingers against his forming bulge in his briefs and cup it in your hands.

"I think you do." You say teasingly as you tug again and he thrusts his hips towards your hands on instinct, causing him to moan.

"S-stop it." He whined


"It's embarrassing."

"I think it's cute."

He whined as you continued tugging and stroking this hair, tugging harder once in a while careful not to hurt him. As he was distracted you quickly straddled his hips and leaned down to kiss him. The kiss started soft and slow and soon you poked out your tongue and licked his lip to gain entrance, which he denied. He was usually the dominant one during your activities so you expected this. You grabbed at his hair and pulled and he gasped and you pushed your tongue in his mouth.

Still, he refused to let you win that easily so he started fighting for dominance. The battle lasted for minutes, tongues sliding against each other, pushing and pulling. You were starting to tire so you decided to end it by giving him one hard tug and you got the upper hand easily. He whined again at the battle he lost as you pressed your tongue against the inside of his mouth, exploring it since you never gotten the chance to do so before.

You pulled away from the kiss and started landing soft pecks on his jaw, travelling down to his ear and nibbling at the ear lobe. By now he was panting and every time he tried to do something to gain the upper hand you would tug at his hair, as if reminding him where he stands this morning. Soon you were sucking at a pulse point on his neck forming a hickey on his flawless skin. Your actions were turning him into a withering mess.

"Mmmm. Who knew that the ladies man was so submissive." you teased as you pulled at his hair again. He moaned and bucked his hips upwards.

"What do you want babe?"

"Ah p-please." He gasped out, eyes closed, not daring to look at you.

"You have to tell me so that I'll know what to do."

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now