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You sigh as you walk into your house. After a long day at work you are more then happy to be home. As you drop your things you smile as you see James walks up to you. “Hey babe.” he greets you as he pulls you into a hug to give you a loving kiss after that. You give him a weak smile and he sighs.

“Stressful day?” he asks. You only nod in responds and he pulls you into another hug. “I have a idea. You go upstairs take a nice shower and after that we cuddle together all night long. Sounds good?”

“Sounds perfect” you say as you start to walk upstairs. You have to admit the idea of a hot shower which would help you to relax sounds more then perfect right now. You enter the bathroom and look into the big mirror. Slowly you pull the hair tie out of your hair. You start to pull your shirt over your head as you feel two hands on your waist.

You jump a little at the sudden contact. Looking into the mirror you see James standing shirtless behind you. His soft lips connect with your neck. He gives you light kisses and starts to suck on it. As he pulls away a mark is visible.

“You had a hard day. Let me help you.” James whispers in your ear. He opens your pants from behind and slides them down along with your lingerie. You turn around and to see how he pulls his jogging pants down.

He walks over to the shower and turns it on. Together you step into it. The hot water helps you to relax your sore muscles. James takes some shampoo into his hands and starts to massage your back. You let out a sigh as you become more relaxed from second to second.

James hand comes to your front and starts to take your breasts into his hand. He circles them with his hand. With his finger tips he presses your nipple a bit. You whimper his name. The pleasure starts to flow through your body. He repeats his actions over and over again till the your nipple are hard.

His lips find yours. He pushes you against the shower wall and you pull away to look at him. His mouth attacks the skin on your neck and you start to moan his name. He comes back up to kiss your whole face.

His hair glues to his forehead because of the water. Your hands travel up and down his back as his ones grab your ass to lift you up. You wrap your legs around his waist and continue to make out until you feel his erection against your leg. You smirk against his lips and start to squirm in his hands to let him know he should set you down.

After he did it he takes your left leg into his hand to wrap it again around his waist but this time he enters you. Your head fells back with a loud moan. He starts to move his hips slowly. Your arms are wrapped around his back and you try to pull him even closer which was impossible. Your bodies slide against each other.

The pleasure between your legs increase and you lean your head on his shoulder. The way James moans your name makes you cry his name even louder. Because of the special angel he hits this special spot inside of you even better. He fills you up in the best ways and you feel his legs start to shake lightly. A sign he his close.

That is why his hand slides between your bodies to rub your clit rapidly. It only takes seconds till you let go and come all over his dick. He fills you up and after you two rode your orgasm out he sets you down again.

After you two cleaned each other up he carries you into your bedroom and lays you under the bedsheets. You cuddle yourself into his chest and listen to his steady heartbeat. Totally exhausted you don’t have any problems to fall asleep in James save arms.

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now