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"No James I'm babysitting. You can't come over I already told you that."
"But baby, I miss you it's been a long day and I need a little release" You can tell he's grinning on the other side of the phone.
"I miss you too, but I'll see you tomorrow. Now I have to go"
It's eight thirty and time to put the neighbor's kids to bed. You make yourself a bowl of popcorn and turn on the TV. There's a big time rush marathon on teen nick, if you can't have James here at least you can watch him on TV. A few minutes pass when you here a knock at the door, you look through the peep hole to see James standing on the front porch. You open the door looking less than pleased, but a small part of you is happy to see him.
"James, what are you doing here?"
"You said you missed me, so I thought I'd surprise you."
"I always said I'd see you tomorrow. You know how my neighbors feel about having guys in their house while I'm watching their kids."
"We'll be quiet I promise, and I'll leave before they're do back home. Now are you going to let me in or leave me out here in the cold?" James shakes being a burr sound.
"Fine, but you have to leave before they get back at ten" You step aside letting him in.
"Then I guess we don't have a lot of time" James grab you by your waist pulling you into him and kissing you hard. Leading you over to the couch, he lays you down. Before you can object he's climbing on top of you keeping his lips to yours so you can't argue. You stay like that pressed up against each other for what feel like forever before he pulls away from you to catch his breath.
"James, we can't. Not here, not on their couch. The kids up stairs" you try to protest, but now James is running his hand slowly up your shirt.
"I guess you'll have to be quiet" he whispers in your ear as he lays kisses along your neck continuing to run his hand up and under your shirt, taking it with him he pulls it over your head. You've become so lost in his touch you don't even care anymore, you are jell-o in his arms. He slowly moves his hand down to your jeans, undoing your button before slipping his hand in.
"Looks like someone wants it just as bad as I do" He whispers in your ear again before pushing two fingers into you. You let out a light moan at the sudden feeling of pleasure. He takes his other had that's been around your neck and places it over your mouth.
"Shush baby, you don't want to wake any one up" He takes his fingers out from inside you and you let out another moan from the loss, now muffled from his hand still on your mouth.
"Now baby, you've got to promise to stay quiet" He removes his hand from your mouth so you can answer him.
"Yes what?"
"Yes, I promise"
"Good baby girl"
You think he's going to put his hand back over your mouth, but instead he leans down planting a rough, needy kiss on your lips, and you kiss him back with the same force. He pushes down your Jeans and panties in one swift motion, never leaving contact with your lips. You reach out your hands to undress him, but he stops you. Sitting up he removes his shirt, and leans back down to continue kissing you. His hand makes its way back down between your legs massaging you, but never entering you. You soon hear the zipper on his pants and without warning he slams into you. You can feel the denim from his jeans rubbing on your thighs, you realize he left them on and just undid his zipper. The fact itself turns you on quite a bit. The sudden feel off him inside you, filling you causes you to let out another moan.
"Baby, you promised. If you can't be quiet I'll have to make you"
He places his hand back over your mouth, not tightly but just enough to muffle your sounds. He's moving quickly, pulling out and slamming back in. His other arm is around your hips, pushing you up into him as he slams down. The way he's controlling you like this mixed with his hard thrust sends you over the edge quickly.
"That's right baby come with me" He whisper's into your ear, biting down on your ear lobe. You do as he says, your legs tighten and your walls convulse around him sending him into his own climax.
"Oh baby" He calls out your name, his mouth pressed against your shoulder to muffle his own sounds.
You look at the clock on the wall behind you, it's nine forty. How did that much time pass so quickly?
"Shit" you yell pushing James off and out of you. "You got to go"
You grab James's shirt, throwing it at him as you pull your close back on. He leans down kissing you good bye, before making his way to the door.
"See you tomorrow" He adds with a wink, closing the door behind him.

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now