Instant Attraction

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You weren’t his normal type, but for some reason James couldn’t take his eyes off you as you made your way to the front of the m&g line. When it was finally your turn James pulled you toward him and you couldn’t help but smile. He was always your favorite member and you gladly let him wrap his arms around your waist for the photo. The other three men making their own poses giving the two of you a funny look.
After the photo was taken you pulled away from James to leave but not before he whispered in your ear that he’d see you later. You were front row center for the concert and when BTR came on stage James instantly saw you, smiling and waving as he faced across the stage. When it was time for them to choose their worldwide girls, James took no time in choosing you. His hand stayed latches in yours the whole time. You weren’t entirely sure, but something in your mind was telling you that the James Maslow may actually like. Your suppositions were confirmed when the song ended and James kissed you on the cheek, telling you to wait for him after the show. You did as he said, waiting in your seat as the floods of people left the arena. When it was completely cleared out of people you started to think maybe he had forgotten about you and just as you got up to leave you heared familure voice. “
You aren’t leaving are you?”
You turned back around to see James on stage in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a thin dark T-shirt that showed off every muscle in his upper body. He leaned down, pulling you back on stage. Taking your hands in his once again he pulled you back with him through the venue. Nether of you spoke as you made your way down a dark hall and out a back door. His and Carlos’ dark purple tour bus in front of you. He took you inside, Carlos nowhere to be seen and you assumed James asked him to leave so you could be alone.
The two of you sat and talked for almost an hour, you had surprisingly a lot in common both being from San Diego, both Jewish backgrounds, and both completely drawn to one another. James hadn’t made a single move on you the enter time, only to hold your hand and sit closer to you. While you were glad to know he hasn’t just brought you on the bus for a random hook up, you kind of hoped something more would happen. Since you had no idea if you’d be seeing him again, you took it upon yourself to make the first move. In a moment of silence you leaned forward putting one hand on the back of his neck and running the other through his hair as you kissed him. The spark that flew through your body as his lips met yours was un like anything you’d felt before. You both couldn’t help but jump back a little, exchanging a look that simply said wow. But instantly his arms were back around you, pulling you closer to him.
Something new in you took over and you swung your leg over his taking place on his lap. Your hands running up his chest feeling those abs he’s spent countless hours at the gym to keep perfect removing his shirt in process. Then doing the same to yourself quickly pulling your shirt up and over your head. You unclasped your bra, throwing it somewhere behind you. Leaning forward you pressed your chest into his as you continued kissing him.
"Wait, I don’t want this going farther then you want it to. Don’t hesitate to say something, ok?"
James stated, pulling back from the heated kiss you were sharing with a look of concern on his face.
Was your only response, with a simple node. The tension in the air became thick as you continued to press your body against his. Your hips took on a mind of their own grinding into his lap and you felt him harden from underneath his tight jeans. You took your fingers and slowly unbuttoned his jeans and pulling down the zipper taking hold of his hard on. James flipped the two of you over so now you were laying across the couch. Putting his hands in the belt loops on your jeans he pulled them down in one swift move. Then quickly pushing down and stepping out of his own. You couldn’t help biting your bottom lip watching him undress himself till he was down to nothing then taking place between your legs he ran his thumb across your lip removing it from your teeth and kissing you, sucking it between his teeth.
One hand slide down your stomach and under the fabric of your panties. His fingers light dancing across your folds and your hips inadvertently jolted forward when his thumb rubbed across your clit making you moan at the feeling. James smiled into the kiss at the sounds you were making just for him. Needing to hear it again he lowered himself down till his head was between your legs. Removing your panties, the last piece of clothing between you, he slowly pushed two fingers into your center moving his tongue over your clit at the same time. You let out another pleasure filled moan, this time taking the form of his name.
Not being able to take it any more you pulled James up by his hair making him face you again.
"James, I- I w-want you"
"Are you sure?"
Not saying any thing you took his hard- on into your hand and directed him toward your entrance, letting just the tip rest on your folds. James looked into your eyes for any hesitation, not seeing any he grabbed your hands in his as he pushed inside of you completely. You both letting out moans at the feeling, yours a little more pain filled then his, but in a good way. He moved slowly, pulling almost completely out pushing back in to the hilt managing to hit that spot inside out like no other. The only noise that filled the bus was the sound of your moans and skin hitting skin. You couldn’t stop your self from calling out his name a your orgasm got closer, James could tell you were almost there by the sound and the way you ran our hands down his back. Moving his hips and slightly he made one last hard thrust hitting your clit with his hip bone and causing you to finally feel your release, biting down on his should to mute your self. Your walls vibrating around him sending James into his one release muttering your name into your ear.
You would have stayed like that for ever if it wasn’t for the knocking on the door and the sound of Carlos telling James they had to go. You both got up from your place on the couch getting dress, James telling Carlos through the door just ot give him a minute. Thinking that was it you turned to leave, but James took you into his arms kissing the top of your head and thanking you for such a great night. You gave him your number, before heading out, James walking you to your car.
A few weeks went by and you still hadn’t heard from Jame. Not that you had really expected to, but it still would have been nice to. You knew he was busy will tour, but that was coming to an end soon. even thought LA is a big city, you some how would always be able to run into some one you didn’t want to see and that was one thing you weren’t looking forward to happening with James.
"Come on dude, just call her. You’ve moping around out it for weeks. If you miss her so much, call."
Logan and James were sitting in James’ living room, they had just gotten home from tour and even though it had been weeks James was still debating whether or not to call the amazing girl he’d met and slept with while on tour. He desperately want to, but there was something that kept telling him they were to different, that it would never work out. And he didnt even know if she’d wanted something more.
"She’s not even my type"
"Really? Why does that even matter, you two clearly had a connection, why let that go because she’s not a ‘type’. Now go call her"
Logan stated handing James his cell phone.
Hesitantly James took it, scowling for your number and hitting the send button.
You were curled up on your couch watching re runs of big time rush season 3 on TNick when you felt your phone vibrate. You took it out of your pocket looking at the unknown number. You were tempted to hang up, but seeing that the area code was the same as yours you changed our mind.
"Hey, Um this is James. Is this n/a?"
"James, yeah its me. Whats up?"
You tried to remain calm, but your heart was raising and you were sure he could hear it beeping out of your throat and through the phone.
"I’m sorry I didnt call, its just I’ve been so busy with the tour ending and well I just didnt know what to say."
You stayed silent, telling him continue.
"Here’s, the thing. You’re not my usual type and I’ve always been very picky specially when it come to girl."
You could feel your heart breaking. Why was he telling you this? Why couldn’t he have just not called at all.
"James, stop. Why are you telling me this?"
Your voice was cracked and you were trying to hold back the tears threatening to spill out.
"Because, in spite of all of that and even thought we don’t know each other well I really like you. I missed you these last few weeks. I know that sounds weird, but I was hoping I could see you again, maybe tomorrow?"
You felt a huge smile come across your face at his words, they were all the same thing you had been thinking for weeks. They were all the things you needed to hear.

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now