Day Off

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You smile as the wind blows throw your hair. Your hand is hanging out the side of James' jeep wrangler. You can see the boys and there girlfriends ahead of you, today you all decided to go to the beach. Everyone had been given the day off and you missed hanging as a group. You were excited because the diet you had been on, made you loose enough weight to fit back into your favorite bikini. Suddenly the jeeps stop and everyone piles out. Grabbing the blankets and umbrellas.

After everything is set up, you watch as your friends tear off there shorts and tanks. Somewhat self concious, but excited you rip yours off as well, earning cat calls from everyone. You turn to James whos eyes are soley focused on your breasts and the way they are uplifted in the bikini top. He winks at you and you blush. Everyone aside from James and you decided to go kyacking. The beach was empty and both you and James sat next to each other waiting for the others to get back.

“ Babe can you just rub some lotion on my back.” You ask him. He laughs and nodds taking full advantage of the fact that you subcontiously gave him permission to touch every inch of you. Suddenly his hands round up to your breasts and you slap them away. You then feel your top being loosened and you turn to him attempting to fix it. He stops you and his hands are once again wrapped around your breasts, only this time he is squeezing them, his face burried in the crook of your neck. You bite your lip. You knew where this was headed, and although you had morals, his hands knew exactly what to do to you to make you twirly. You sigh. “ Babe this is a public beach we can't-” But he doesn't let you finish as he flips you over on the blanket and presses his hips into yours. You can feel his hard on through the bathingsuit.

“ You can't just expect me not to get horny when you decide to wear something like that do you?” He said kissing up and down your chest. You can tell he is unable to control himself any longer.

He pushes his lips into yours making you moan. His hands are running up and down your backside as you arch yourself into him. Suddenly you feel his hand slip into your shorts, and inside of your body. You gasp as he massages your clit slowly, building up tension. You know its wrong to be doing this right now and on a public beach, especially with paparazzi everywhere but hes got you in his vice grip, not thinking clearly. As he bites on your neck leaving marks, your hands massage his bulge that has been torturing you for the past 5 minutes. He moans into your mouth as you pull his cock out massaging it with your two fingers, mainly underneath. You can feel him tense, because you are teasing him so well.

He pulls away from you, slipping your shorts down just enough to push himself inside you.He couldn't wait anymore, he needed to be inside of you as soon as possible. Your hands find a way to wrap around his neck as he thrusts into you repeatedly, you can feel his hipbones collied into yours making you squeal. You know that he's leaving bruises, but thats exactly how you want it. The grip you had around his neck is loosened as he grabs ahold of your bare ass cheeks, forcing as much of himself as he can inside you. Your hands vacate down his silky skined back and you dig your expensive manicure deep in his flesh, earning you a moan. His head lawls back and he gets ahold of your neck, all the while continuing his rythmn. Suddenly you can feel yourself starting to climax, he must know it too because he pulls out quickly rubbing the tip of his cock on your clit making you groan in yurning. He whispers into your ear.

“ Say my name. Tell me how much you want me to cum inside you baby.” You whimper as you can feel your insides churing at the words. You need him. He pulls at your hair. And your eyes roll back.

“ Fuck me J ames Please. Just fuck me. Oh my god. Please.” You whine as he thrusts into you one last time making you yelp and you both cum at once. You both relax for a few moments, and then fix yourselfs realizing you were still at the beach and everyone would be back in a couple minutes. James and you are breathing heavily as the boys come back 5 minutes later, smiling.

“ You guys shoulda came, it was so much fun!” Carlos gushed. You smiled to him, still out of breath, and logan eyed us suspiciously.

“ Are you guys okay?” He asked taking a swig of his beer. You and james nodd quickly and smile. They shrug and you and James once again collapse next to each other. He kisses your neck, in the spot he had bit before and you giggle.

“ Best day off ever.” He says softly and you nodd breathlessly.

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