Recording Session

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"Umm, James, how is this?" Gel asks. You and your boyfriend where in the recording studio, recording soundtracks for your new albums.
"Perfect." you say and lean against his back.
"What are you doing?" he questions feeling your breasts against his back.
"Huh? oh I'm sorry." you gush, not realizing what happened. he chuckles and spins his chair around. You hit record and head back to the booth.
"dont. come here." He pulls you into his lap, your legs going through the arms.
,"James, I-"
"shh, no talking." he grinds his hips into your heat. you throw your head back and let out a soft moan.
"James." You moan.
he chuckles and kisses your neck, starting to take off your shirt and then your bra. his kisses travel down to your nipples and he sucks. You arch your back as your breath hitches in your throat. He pushes you off and stands up, letting his hands travel to the button of your pants. he unbuttons them and slides them off quickly, bringing your panties down, too. he sits you down in the chair and gets on his knees. he kisses up your thighs and directly to your heat. he places soft kisses along your already wet folds. he takes his thumbs and spreads them apart, biting his bottom lip at the sight. he licks up your clit and sucks on your sensitive nub, sending you into a frenzy of loud moans. you tangle your hands into his hair and grind your hips down, moaning louder. he stop what he's doing and quickly undoing his pants he pulled out his 11" member then sticks into you, hitting your sweet spot, sending you over the edge. you almost scream as you climax around his penis, he kept thrusting into you prolonging your orgasm as you still squirted around his member once you are done. You quickly stand up and push him into the seat you were just in. You take him into your mouth, sending him into a frenzy of moans. you circle your tongue around him many times before bobbing your head up and down, hollowing your cheeks.
"ah- gel " he moans as he finishes in your mouth, you swallowing his load.

Later that day

you're meeting James and the boys in the recording studio to listen to the soundtrack you worked on. You arrive and realize it's the same place you and James had some fun today. You blush and enter seeing everyone already there.
"Okay, lets listen." Kendall says and hits play. it was silent and all the sudden you hear yourself moan. you gasp and they all stare at you, James silently cracking up.
"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry... I don't know where that came from." You stutter and shut it off, deleting it immediately.
"Oh, yes you do." James says and smirks.

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