Christmas Party: For The Nice Girl

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  I find my eyes gravitating back to James . I've done nothing but stare at him most of the night. I hate these stupid Christmas parties. The only people I ever talk to are the girls.  Occasionally James , excuse me, Mr. Maslow, will speak to me, but he usually ALWAYS brings up work. I mean, yeah, he's a great boss and all, but sometimes, I think he just looks through me.

            Tonight is no different. I spoke to him when I got here, but beyond that, it's like I don't exist.  I sigh and turn away, running into Joy. She stops me and says, "What's up, Buttercup?"

            I say, "I don't know. I'm a fool I guess. Why aren't you with Kendall ?"

            She looks around and says, "Shh, no one knows that but you!  We were going to wait till after the holiday to spring it on everyone."

            I grimace and say, "I'm sorry. Geesh, what the hell is wrong with me tonight?  Maybe I should just go home."

            From behind me I hear a voice say, "No, you can't go yet."

            Joy looks at me with an ‘Oh my God' smirk on her face before turning to walk away. When I turn around, I'm face to face with my boss. I say, "Why not? I feel like I'm pretty much a wet blanket on the festivities, Mr. Maslow."

            He says, "Stop. We're not in the office now, so call me James . Come on, let's get a drink." He leads me to the bar and says, "What'll it be?"

            Not really sure why he's being so attentive I say, "A Mimosa."

            He says, "What, not eggnog?"

            I grimace and say, "God no, I hate that stuff."

            He grins and says, "Me too. Come on, I want to show you something."

            He puts his hand on my bare back and guides me through the crowd.  At the touch of his fingers, goose bumps cover my body. It's kind of embarrassing but I'm glad now that the girls talked me into the backless purple dress I bought for the occasion.

            He guides me through the crowd to the side doors and out onto the deserted patio.  I shiver in the cool night air and he takes off his jacket and wraps it around me. I sip my drink and look up at him, saying, "What exactly are you going to show me out here?"

            He tugs me gently over to a darkened corner and says, "That."

            He points up and my eyes follow his gaze. Hanging above our heads is mistletoe.  Now, me being me, I get extremely nervous by the whole situation. He's my boss after all, but dammit I've wanted this for so long.  Deciding to let the moment happen, I turn and set my drink on the ledge. Turning back to James , I say, "How did that get up there?"

            Chuckling, he says, "I'll never tell."

            He cups my face in his hands and lowers his head to mine. At the first touch of his lips, my body starts to tingle. I rest my arms on his sides as he teases my lips with his tongue. Just when his tongue slips into my mouth, I hear cheering coming from behind me.  Our lips part and I whisper, "Please tell me that's not for us."

            Because he's so much taller than me, he looks over my head and says, "Nope, Santa just arrived."

            I sigh and say, "Guess we should go back in, huh?"

            He says, "Are you crazy? I've been trying to find a way to get you alone for months. Now that I have you, I'll be damned if you're getting away."

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