Elevated Feet Boxing

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"Come on James, I wanna try it"
"But what if you get hurt?"
"I won't get hurt, but you might"
You had been trying to convince James to battle you in Elevated Foot Boxing for weeks and he hadn't giving in, but just when you lost all hope he finally caved.
"Ok fine, but if you get hurt it's not my fault and you can't hold it against me"
You let out a small squeak of excitement, jumping up and down like a kid in a toy store.
"But who's going to judge, everyone else is out?" You ask, looking around the empty tour bus.
"We'll have Fox judge" James answers, picking up fox off the lounge couch and setting him on Kendall's bunk above you.
"Now if I hurt you, you better tell me and we'll stop. Remember, nothing below the belt for me"
You nod, laughing in reply
"I know I know, but what makes you think it won't be you going down?"
You give him your best evil smirk.
"Because I invented the game, now come here."
James pulled you toured him putting one hand on each of your hips, which sent a shiver down your spine like it also seemed to do whenever his skin made contact with yours no matter how small the amount. Whether it was in passing through the small hallways of the tour bus, a hug, or even holding you like this which sadly was never until now.
"Now put your feet on my legs"
You did as he said and let him lift you up, placing one arm on each bunk. After making sure you were positioned just right and were able to hold yourself up, he jumped up into the same position facing you.
"Now on three... one, two, three"
And you where off legs flailing at one another, but it wasn't long before you could feel your arms starting to give out from underneath you. You knew you'd be falling soon and not wanting to lose, you lunged your legs forward, wrapping them around James's pulling him down with you. He fell on top of you, his face in between your breast.
"Hey that's cheating"
He looked up at you trying to give you his best angry eyes, but failing as a smile came across his face. You stayed like that for a moment, just laughing at one another until James realized his body was pressed up against yours.
"I uh, sorry"
He stuttered moving away from you, but something came over you and you grabbed a hold of his arm stopping him. He looked up at you with confusion spread across his face. Suddenly feeling a lot braver than usual you kissed him, wrapping your right arm around his neck and moving your left hand down his arm to hold his hand. At first he was hesitant, but soon he deepened the kissing leaning you back against the floor.
Not saying a word, running his hands up your stomach to take your shirt off and then your bra. Moving his hands down to your pants and hooking his fingers in the loops pulling them, along with your panties, down in one swift motion. His eyes widen at the site of you naked in front of him, he'd thought about the way you'd look so any times and the real thing was way better than his imagination. He leaned up to take off his own shirt as you worked on unbuckling his belt. Pushing his pants and boxers down as far as you could, he shimmied out them forming a pile of your clothes together at the bottom of his feet.
Leaning back down, but this time kissing down your neck, then your shoulders, all the way down your stomach. Taking the skin of your right hip between his teeth, sucking hard enough to leave marks, you could feel him making a small J as he did. Taking your other hip and doing the same forming a small, what you assumed was suppose to be an M. Clearly his talent where unlimited and he was going to prove it. You let at small moans of the feeling of him marking you with his initials. When he was finish and fairly happy with his work, he moved so his head was in between your legs. He planted a light kiss on the inside of your thigh and you could feel his breath hot on your center. You let out a small moan at the feeling, your hips uncontrollably pushing upward. You didn't have to say a word; soon he was running his tongue up and down your folds teasingly, just enough pressure you could feel it. The teasing became too much and you grabbed a hold of his hair, pushing his face closer to you. As much as he would have loved to continue teasing you, he needed to taste more of you on his tongue. Darting it out into your center as deeply as he could and fucking you with just his tongue. He slowly moved his hands up your stomach to cup your breast, massaging them and making your nipples harden under his touch, causing you to bight down on your lip to keep from screaming out his name which you where sure would come out loud enough the whole city would hear you.
Your legs start to tens and tighten around his head as your orgasm builds up, taking his tongue away at the last second replacing it with two of his fingers and flicking his tongue against your clit, sending you over the edge. He continues pushing his fingers into you, working you through your orgasm. Still not saying anything, he leans down kissing you harder again and you can taste yourself on him. Leaning on his forearms and positioning himself at your entrance, James takes your head between his hands rubbing your cheeks and kissing you softly as he pushes into you. He's huge and you can't help but scream out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. As soon as he's pushed into the hilt, he stops letting your body adjust to his size and when you give him a node, signaling your ready he pulls out almost all the way before pushing back in slowly. Keeping with the slow place, you push your hips up to meet his. Soon though it isn't enough and you need more. Hooking your ankles to his hips, giving him a better angle and pushing him into you. He thankfully takes the hint and begins slamming into you harder, your hips hitting into one enough with ever thrust. You both begin to feel that knot building up in the pit of your stomachs, not wanting to let go before you he moves one hand down to your clit, flicking it and whispering in your ear.
"Come for me baby, please"
It's the first thing either of you have said in what feels like hours and you do as he says. Finally feeling your second release, your walls vibrating around him sending him over the edge, filling you with his cum. You bodies relax, slumping together on the floor.
"So" James finally speaks, looking up into your eyes, his head on your chest. "How'd you enjoy elevated foot boxing?"
"Best game ever invented" You reply.
Both letting out small chuckles as he wraps his arms around you, sending a shiver through your body just like always.

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