Passing Notes

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You snapped your gum in your mouth, pursing your lips to blow a bubble. You couldn’t help but notice James staring at you out of the corner of your eye. Rolling your eyes you ripped a piece of paper out of your notebook, and clicked your pen, writing a note to the sexy brunette on your side. What are you looking at? You pushed the paper across the desktop, watching James eagerly answer you.
You’re sexy when you chew gum, was all the note said in James messy scrawl. You giggled slightly, giving your boyfriend a look as if to say he was crazy. You tapped the end of the pen to your chin thinking of what to say next.
Well take a picture James, maybe it will last longer. Handing the note back you heard James groan next to you, laughing at the fact you were teasing him. You continued to pop your gum, waiting for his response.
Stop playing with your gum. 
You smirked, already thinking up what to say back. Why, is it turning you on?
Watching James’ expression pretty much answered your question. James squirmed uncomfortably in his seat, reaching down to palm and rearrange himself in his jeans, handing the paper back to you. Maybe it is, what are you going to do about it? ;)

Let you suffer :P
You heard James groan, taking his pencil to the paper and writing down a hasty reply.
Tease. But you’re right, we’re in class. Mr. Roberts looks like he’s going to kill us.
You frowned, you didn’t expect James to accept defeat that fast. You didn’t want him to accept defeat at all.
Jamie, you can’t just give up that fast. Look at your friend in your pants. Won’t James Jr. be upset? :( 
You’re the one who said you’d let me suffer.
Please, do I ever mean what I say? I want you James. I haven’t had you in sooo long.
Again James shifted nervously in his seat, rubbing his palm against the growing bulge in his pants.
Can’t you at least wait until after class?
You ignored his comment, smiling to yourself as you continued to taunt the boy at your side, writing down something that was sure to ruffle his feathers even more.
James! I wanna scratch my nails down your back and tug on your hair and run my tongue over your abs. I need you James. Let my hand be the one touching you like that through your jeans ;P
You could practically hear James swallow next to you. His hand was curled into a fist, his knuckles white. He pressed his pencil so hard down onto the paper that the tip broke off. “Give me your pen.” James mumbled, turning to look at you only to have his eyes go wide with lust and hidden desire.
Your hand was wrapped loosely around your pen, dragging your hand up and down the skinny writing utensil as you pretended to pay attention to the board. Gasping, James grabbed the pen out of your grasp and set to work on his next reply.
Janitor’s Closet, East Wing. Meet me there in five minutes.
You smiled, knowing you had won. James reached a shaky hand up into the air, stuttering over his words when Mr. Roberts called on him to speak. “M-Mr. Roberts, may I be excused?” James asked warily.
Mr. Roberts itched his chin for a moment, staring at James with a puzzled look. “If you must Maslow,” the balding teacher said before returning back to his lecture on America and the Civil War.
Those five minutes were the longest minutes of your life. It was as if the clock ticked slower, just to tease you. You were already wet with want for James, not having had any from him in almost a month. And just the thought of fucking at school, well if it turned you on so much you could only imagine how James was feeling. Finally when the five minutes passed you punched your hand into the air, wiggling your fingers to attract Mr. Robert’s attention.
“What now?”
“May I use the restroom?” You asked, hoping the old man wouldn’t turn you down.
“You know the rules, you must wait until the last student who left has come back.”
“But Mr. Roberts please? It’s an emergency!”
“I’m sure you can wait.” He was already turning his back on you, and you were fed up. You needed to get to that Janitor’s closet now. You bit your lip, thinking of something that would let Mr. Roberts let you go, when the perfect plan formed in your head.
“It’s a girl emergency.” Snickers erupted around the class and Mr. Roberts turned to face you, his face heating up under the awkward glare you were sending his way.
“Well, if that’s the case…uhh, just…umm, just go.” 
“Thanks!” You grabbed your purse, literally hopping out of your seat and running towards the door.
You sprinted down the hall, not bothering to hold down your skirt as you shuffled towards the East Wing. Reaching the door you tugged on the handle, only to find it was locked. You knocked to make sure James had made it in there.
“What’s the magic word?” James voice sounded as though he had been panting.
“I don’t know the magic word open the fucking door James,” you rapped harder on the door, pleased to find it swing open. 
“The magic word was fuck, and well…fucking was close enough.” James cheeks were red, his forehead a little shiny with sweat. His hazel eyes gleamed under the harsh fluorescent lighting of the confined space. You gave you a weak smile, trying to bite back a moan.
Trailing your gaze lower, you noticed how James had the sleeves of his button up Palmwoods school uniform pushed back up to his elbows, showing off the veins in his arms. The veins that were pulsing much more rapidly than normal. 
“James you started without me!” You gasped, finally letting the closet door shut behind you. Your stare landed on the pretty boy gripping his own throbbing cock in his hands. His thumb repeatedly rubbed the tip, precum spilling from the slit.
“I couldn’t wait…nghh~ It was starting to hurt. Come down here and make it better baby.” You obeyed, kneeling down and straddling James’ legs between your thighs. You shooed James’ hand away, placing your own along his shaft.
Curling your fingers around you fisted his hot cock, warm, pulsing, and dripping with precum. “Ahhh..come on babe you know how I like it.”
You smiled, loving the sight of watching James fall apart from a simple touch. Stroking his length down to the base, you moved back up to the top, dragging your thumb over his tip each time, making sure to rub his slit as well. You kept at a steady pace, gripping his dick and traveling your hand up and down and up down, familiar with the speed James liked.
Remembering his words you reached with your other hand to fondle James’ balls, lightly taking the time to massage each one with your delicate fingers. “Fuck babe.” James groaned, his head rolling back against the grimy wall. His eyes were lidded over, his mouth agape and tongue slightly lolling out. His chest was rising and falling fast, the speed of his heart rate quickening the longer you handled him. James was so close to falling apart, and you loved watching him do it.
Holding your hair back you let go of his dick, James whining at the lack of contact. Before he could complain, you dipped your head forward, swirling your tongue around the tip before taking him in deep throat. You licked your way over his length, bobbing your head up and down. Feeling how close James was, you hummed around his cock, sending him tumbling over the edge while crying your name as he came. You scraped your teeth gently around him, intensifying his orgasm and lapping at the white seed that dripped from your mouth. Swallowing everything he gave you, you gave his now softening member a couple last licks, making sure to rid the boy of any left over cum.
“Mmm, and now its my turn.” James smiled deviously. With his strong arms he pulled you closer to him on his lap. He did away with your shirt, almost ripping off some buttons in his quick anticipation, and he pulled down your skirt and underwear, placing them in the pile along with his clothes. “Spread your legs.”
You did as told, feeling James soft touch as he tip toed his fingers along the inside of your thighs. He would walk along one thigh, rub a straight line through your folds, then walk along the other. It was a process he repeated, teasing you with each moan you let slip when he touched you. “You’re…teasing me.”
“It’s payback baby, for earlier in the classroom. I can’t just give you what you want. You have to earn it.”
“I sucked your dick isn’t that worthy enough?” You growled sarcastically, growing irritated. You needed, something, anything to continuously rub against your folds and swirl inside your core to give you the full satisfaction you supplied to James.
“Sarcasm will get you nowhere in life.” James mumbled, leaning forward and catching your lips into a kiss. It was soft, not heated the way you wanted it. Digging your fingers in his hair you tugged on the chestnut brown locks, just hard enough to make James whine. “Unf okay, I’ll stop.”
James pressed his fingers up against your slippery entrance. Keeping his hand there he thumbed your clit, massaging it under his rough and pleasuring touch. You had to remember you were in school to keep quiet, but James’ and his skilled fingers couldn’t keep you silent for long.
“James please just…” You stopped, biting down on your lip to keep you from releasing a rather loud moan as James’ thumb rubbed circles against your most sensitive skin.
“Just what?” James breath ghosted over your ear. He licked his tongue down the shell of your ear and over the side of your neck. Placing nips and bites here and there along your throat before spending some time suckling on your pulse point, his teeth digging into your skin so hard you were surprised he didn’t draw blood.
“Just…no don’t do that!” You whined, James pulling his fingers away from your sopping wet core. He touched his fingers to his lips, sucking on them one by one, leaving his thumb for last and making obnoxious slurping sounds.
“You taste so good on my tongue.” James smiled, shifting you even farther up into his lap. Looking down, James’ dick was already erect and pleading again. Pleading to be touched and pleasured. “Ride me.” James asked softly, his hazel eyes begging.
You lifted up your hips, placing your knees on either side of James’ waist. James held onto his cock, giving it a few rough strokes before angling himself against your entrance. Both of you relinquished delightful sighs as his length stretched your tight walls. “Come on baby move.” James framed your face in his hands, giving you a sloppy wet kiss before guiding his hands back onto your waist.
Deeming him teased long enough, you began to rock. Left, right, forward, and repeat. His cock was your joystick to ride, in this moment, you controlled him. James tried thrusting himself into you, fucking into your core, but you pushed down on his chest, scratching your nails down his perfectly tanned skin. “Let me do the work.” You breathed, kissing his chin and regaining power.
Left, right, forward, up and down. Every few moments you’d change your speed, or the circling of your hips. Sweat was dripping down your skin as you rode James. “Fuck, fuck faster please, baby, faster.” James cried, biting down on his lips while watching you bounce on his cock. Unable to contain himself anymore, James repeatedly thrust his hips up into yours, his ab muscles constricting beautifully from the effort.
The small room was filled with throaty moans, desperate whimpers, and the sound of wet, slick, skin slapping together. James tugged you forward, your chest pressing against his, creating a new angle for him inside you. With the first new thrust your lips curved into an ‘O’, James had finally struck your spot that was aching with want. “Moan baby. Moan loud. I want everyone to hear. Scream my name.” James bit down hard on his lip while forcing thrust after thrust deeper inside of you. Your legs were tensing and you needed something, anything to grip on for what was about to come next.
Settling your fingers in his hair you pulled so tight you were surprised you didn’t tear his beautiful hair from his skull. “J-James! Fuck oh my God!” you yelled. Finally you came, still swaying your hips around his cock, just as James tumbled through his second orgasm, filling you with anything left in his system, leaving him dry. After resting a few moments, you pulled off of James’ returning your attention back to your clothes as he did the same.
Before opening the door, James held you strongly in his arms, tucking away any loose pieces of hair framing your face. “We really need to do that more often.” James mumbled, placing a soft kiss to your lips and moaning gently.
“Mmm yes we do, just maybe not in the Janitor’s closet next time.”
“Agreed.” James whispered, hurrying up to fix any flyaway hairs of his own. Tucking your hand in his and interlocking your fingers, James lead you back to Mr. Roberts’ classroom.
“Welcome back.” Mr. Roberts said, staring daggers at the you two holding hands. You knew you looked half as decent as how you did when you left the room. Quickly letting go of James’ hand you smoothed a hand over your skirt and tucked in a loose end of your shirt. “How was your break?” Roberts smiled a malicious grin, and you knew you were caught. 
“Oh it was fantastic.” James smiled, giving Mr. Roberts a thumbs up and causing the class to erupt in wolf whistles from the guys.
“Whatever. Take a seat. I’ll see you two in detention.”
“It’ll be our pleasure.” James said, pulling you back to your seats and sitting down. The note from before was still sitting on your desk. James quickly reached for the paper, scrawling down a fast note.
Double in detention? ;) 
Rolling your eyes to the ceiling you nodded, sending a reply back James’ way.
You know it :)

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now