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You’re at dinner with the guys and James, celebrating their new world tour. James hand slowly slides up your thigh and underneath your skirt as he whispers dirty things in your ear throughout the entire meal. When its over he whispers, “If you thought that was rough, just wait until we get home.”

As soon as you walk through the door of your house, James’s hands are everywhere. Touching your trembling skin as he slides his hand under your shirt. His lips are on your neck, his breath hot on your skin. “I told you it would get worse.” he whispered to you softly.

James pulls your shirt off of your body and tosses it to the side. “James shouldn’t we wait until we get in the bed-” he cuts you off, covering your lips with his and sliding his tongue effortlessly into you, making you weak at the knees.

“Who needs a bedroom when you have a kitchen table?”

“You’re kidding James.”

“You wish.” he snickers, lifting you into his arms and setting you down on the table.

James pushes you back onto the hard wood, biting at the skin on your neck as he crawls over on top of you. You moan out his name, begging him for more. He slides his hands around your back, unclasping your bra expertly. Throwing it to the side, he runs his tongue down the length of your chest, kissing you softly as he massages your breasts. “Beg for me babe.”

“James I love you take advantage of me, please. I want you.”

“You’re going to have to do better than that. Why do you want me so bad. Tell me all your dirty little secrets.” He says, moving his fingers down to your waist, unbuttoning your jeans effortlessly. Then he grabs you by the ass, clutching hold of the band of your jeans as he slides them down to the floor. James runs his fingers along the length of your thigh, waiting for you to beg for more.

“I want you to ravage the fuck out of my body. I want you to thrust into me so hard I won’t even know what’s happening, all I’ll know is that I love every second of it. I want to lick your perfect teeth and your perfect abs and your perfect everything. Just give in to me. I want you because you’re perfect.”

“Why give in when teasing is better?” James snickered, walking away and reaching into the fridge for something. He walked back, holding it behind his back. “Close your eyes babe.” James said. Giving in you closed your eyes. Seconds later you felt something light and cold touch the skin just above your underwear. You opened your eyes just in time to watch James bend over your waist, licking vanilla frosting off your bare stomach. The movements of his tongue sent shivers down your spine.

“Really James, frosting? Why don’t you just go eat a cupcake?”

“Because you taste better than any cupcake ever invented.” James slid his tongue down to the lace band of your thong, catching it between his teeth and dragging it off your body. Then, beginning at your calves, he licked his way up your body, stopping just inside your thigh. “What do you want me to do babe? Should I do this?” He asked, sliding his tongue over your center, slipping it around inside of you. You shoved your hands in his hair, pushing him towards you more.

“Mmhm James, that’s so good.” You gasped, your breathing getting weaker by his touch.

James pulled away from you, tracing his fingers along the smooth skin of your torso. He stood up, undoing his pants and dropping them to the floor. He began unbuttoning his shirt, but before he even touched the fabric you shooed his hand away. “Don’t I get to do at least something James?”

“Go right ahead. Have your way with me.” He said, laying back against the table, spreading his arms out wide.

“Why the rush? Teasing is better I thought?” You climbed over on top of him, straddling his waist. You could feel his throbbing dick up against your thigh, he was more than ready for you. Taking your time you undid each button of his shirt, revealing his chiseled chest and rock hard abs. Dipping your fingers into the frosting, you ran your fingers along the contours of his muscles, leaving a trail of vanilla everywhere. Bending over, you lapped at the vanilla, making swirls with your tongue over his body.

“You’re so sexy when you tease me baby.” James said, licking his lips as he watched you remove the frosting with your tongue. You slid your hand over his dick, clutching it in your grasp as your dragged your hand up and down at the perfect pace you knew he loved. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and his breathing became heavier. It didn’t take much to turn him on. “Okay, that’s it, I need you NOW.”

Taking over, James grabbed you by the shoulders and forced your back against the hard wood. Crawling over you, James ran his tip over your center, before plunging himself inside of you. You held on to his muscular shoulders while he thrust himself into you over and over again, slow at first but gradually picking up the pace. Soon your bodies where slick with sweat, sliding up against each other, your hips smacking together. Your skin slid against the wood, only adding to the pleasure you felt in the pit of your stomach. James was close to a finish when he shoved himself so far inside of you you screamed out his name while he cried out yours. “You’re…so…tight babe.” He managed to say, riding out his orgasm with yours, moaning out your name in his deep sexy voice.

You laid back on the table, your chest heaving from the commotion. Placing himself over you, James slid his arms around your neck and kissed you gently. “I told you the table was better.”

James Maslow Imagines (Dirty) CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now